We knew he was on the way, and now the Overwatch villain with a mythical past has finally arrived. Today, Blizzard finally lifted the veil and revealed Doomfist! You can check out his origin trailer above and, we’re so sorry to have to tell you this, but Doomfist is not voiced by Terry Crews as we all hoped he might be. It’s still a fascinating trailer, though. Check it out and we’ll dive in to the details.
Videos by ComicBook.com
“Recently freed from imprisonment, Doomfist is determined to plunge the world into a new conflict that he believes will make humanity stronger.
“As the new Doomfist, Ogundimu rose high in Talon and helped to orchestrate a conflict that the organization hoped would someday engulf the world. However, before their plan came to fruition, Ogundimu was defeated and captured by an Overwatch strike team that included Tracer, Winston, and Genji. He was imprisoned in a maximum-security facility for years, where he waited patiently for events he had incited to play out.
“Finally, he sensed that the time had come for him to return. He broke out of his prison and recovered Doomfist’s gauntlet in a one-sided battle with Numbani’s newly unveiled OR15 defense robots. Now, he has retaken his place in Talon’s inner council, ready to spark a war that will consume the world once again.”
Alright, enough lore! Let’s get into his moves and abilities!
Abilities List and Combat Style

“Doomfist’s cybernetics make him a highly-mobile, powerful frontline fighter. In addition to dealing ranged damage with his Hand Cannon, Doomfist can slam the ground, knock enemies into the air and off balance, or charge into the fray with his Rocket Punch. When facing a tightly packed group, Doomfist leaps out of view, then crashes down to earth with a spectacular Meteor Strike.”
Hand Cannon:
- Doomfist fires a short-range burst from the knuckles of his fist. Its ammunition is automatically regenerated over a short time.
Seismic Slam:
- Doomfist leaps forward and smashes into the ground, knocking nearby enemies toward him.
Rising Uppercut:
- Doomfist uppercuts enemies in front of him into the air.
Rocket Punch:
- After charging up, Doomfist lunges forward and knocks an enemy back, dealing additional damage if they impact a wall.
The Best Defense:
- Doomfist generates temporary personal shields when he deals ability damage.
Meteor Strike:
- Doomfist leaps into the sky, then crashes to the ground, dealing significant damage.
So what do you think? Doomfist will be released soon to all players, and even sooner for those of you who have access to the test servers on PC. Did you just find your new main, or were you underwhelmed by his reveal?