Earlier this month we reported the previous status on Paragon. The company admitted to putting their popular game on the back burner following the rapid success rate of their current online game: Fortnite. At that point, the team assured their players that they were working to get focus back on the previous title now that Fortnite was up and running, given that many of that team were pulled to work on their latest IP. It looks like much can change in just little over a week, because Epic Games has just officially declared the game dead with its closure happening on April 26th.
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We broke the closure news yesterday, but we weren’t the only ones saddened by the admittedly expected news. Now players are rallying together to save the game before that April 26th deadline comes to pass.
One look at the Paragon subreddit will tell you that tensions are high among the player base, with many calling for a boycott of anything Epic Games touches. While some are taking a more aggressive approach, others are taking to the social forum to propose solutions to save the fate of the game. One user even started the #PleaseSaveParagon thread that shot through 6000 upvotes shortly after it went live. Even other game threads joined in to offer their luck for title hopefuls.
With the thread offering the solution that Epic sell Paragon to another company, many players immediately hopped on board with this being a viable option. Since the game itself is being closed due to the focus being on Fortnite, which Epic Games openly admitted, it’s not surprising that the title came up quite a few times as well:
Commentfrom discussion EPIC PLEASE SELL PARAGON TO ANOTHER COMPANY! #PleaseSaveParagon.
So far Epic Games hasn’t made any statement as to whether or not they are aware of such a push, though the comments are pouring in on their official post breaking the initial news yesterday.
Commentfrom discussion Paragon to Close on April 26.
from discussion Paragon to Close on April 26.
from discussion Paragon to Close on April 26.
For now, we must assume that the April date continues to stand unless Epic Games reconsiders, though the likelihood of that happening is very slim.