Pokemon Go Fest is back again for another IRL meetup of Pokemon Go players, and attendees have a lot to say about this year’s festival and what it was like to find Celebi.
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Special Pokemon were promised for Pokemon Go players who made the trek out to Chicago for Go Fest, and special Pokemon there were. With hints spotted throughout the day to guide players to the inevitable reveal, the legendary Pokemon Celebi started appearing to give players a chance to add a rare catch to their collection. Other Pokemon in their Shiny and Alolan forms have also been appearing, so if you ended up going to Pokemon Go Fest and actually bought a ticket, you’ll be going home with quite the haul.
Not everyone was pleased with the way that Celebi was released though, but overall, Pokemon Go players seem pleased with the way this year’s festival is going, especially compared to last year.
Unown Point to Celebi
Unown B, E, L and ? are available today at GO Fest. My guess is that C and I will be available tomorrow, possibly along with the current ones to make CELEBI? (Or along with just E and ? because there are two E in Celebi) What do you think? #PokรฉmonGO #PokรฉmonGOFest
โ TheDoctorK9 [TL40] (@TheDoctorK9YT) July 14, 2018
Unown, a rare enough find on their own considering the variety that’s out there, started appearing at Pokemon Go Fest this year. After finding a few, players started to notice that there was a pattern to them, and as Unown usually do, they were trying to tell the players something.
With Unown shaped like the letters mentioned above starting to be found, people guessed that the mysterious Pokemon were working their way towards spelling out Celebi. That theory proved to be correct as others caught the mythical Pokemon and shared proof of their capture.
Catching Celebi
Celebi is ready for the photo shoot! #PokemonGOFest2018 pic.twitter.com/5DJUuuAyMR
โ N (@martineznj21) July 14, 2018
I caught Celebi at Go Fest today, IVs suck pic.twitter.com/rpGLASb2lK
โ Furious Trainer @ Go Fest (@Furioustrainer) July 14, 2018
Just as players expected, the Psychic/Grass Pokemon Celebi appeared at Pokemon Go Fest to reward those who attended. People who were fortunate enough to complete the necessary requirements for catching the Pokemon could add it to their collection, and many of those who did sounded off with proud images of their catches. Some apparently thought that the stats could’ve been a bit better, but at least they have a Celebi now.
That’s more than many can say as well with many more players not even getting the chance to catch a Celebi at all.
Not Having the Chance to Catch Celebi
Really @PokemonGoApp this is not right or not fair to the world. People get Celebi at the pokemon go fest. Only 1 place out of the world. Instead every where should be a go fest. The 99% of player base can not attend. Now i see why people don’t like this or why people spoof.
โ MUSTACHETAKEOVER (@komic111) July 14, 2018
Okay, @PokemonGoNews, where is Celebi for the REST OF US??
โ Joienby (@morebookstofind) July 14, 2018
While it’s likely that Celebi will be released for those outside of Pokemon Go Fest albeit at a later date, many players weren’t too keen on the idea of those attending getting access to the Pokemon first. Whether they couldn’t attend the Chicago festival due to travel logistics, previous obligations, or just didn’t feel like it was worth the time and are now miffed about missing out, players were vocal about not having a Celebi in their Pokedex.
Pokemon Go Fest Is Going Well
Wait, a go fest thats going well!? What is this!?
โ Maximus (@Squiddy_101) July 14, 2018
Go fest is actually working this time? And they say thereโs no God.
โ Blake Elliott (@Kingdom_King_13) July 14, 2018
Mythical Pokemon or lack thereof aside, there aren’t as many comments out there about Pokemon Go Fest itself. That’s actually a positive thing in this situation since it means that the situation is nowhere near the situation that it was in last year with faulty challenges, connectivity issues, and swarms of disgruntled players.
The few comments that are out there about the festival indicate that this year’s festival has been a success so far, something that the proud new Celebi owners can likely attest to.