
Pokemon Go Reveals New May Community Day Details


Pokemon Go‘s April Community Day took place this past weekend, putting the Alolan Pokemon Stufful into the spotlight. The game’s current theme is the Season of Alola, and that will extend to next month’s Community Day, as well. On Saturday, May 21st from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. local time, Alolan Geodude will be incredibly easy to find in the wild. Players that evolve an Alolan Graveler up to two hours after the event will receive an Alolan Golem that knows the Fast Attack Rollout. Players will have an easier time doing so, as there will be double Candy for catching Alolan Geodude during the event.

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As we’ve seen with other recent Pokemon Go Community Day events, players will have the option of purchasing a Special Research story for $1.00. Naturally, the theme will center on Alolan Geodude, and it will be titled A Rocky Road. In a newly added feature, players will have the ability to gift a ticket to the event to friends. There will also be a Community Day Box available in the Store for 975 PokeCoins. The box will contain a Super Incubator, a Lucky Egg, an Elite Fast TM, and a Star Piece. There will also be event-themed Stickers, decreased Stardust required for Trades, and more.


Unfortunately, May’s Community Day will follow the new trend Niantic established last month, where Community Day will take place for just three hours, as opposed to six. The move saw widespread disappointment from fans of the game, as it makes it much harder to take part for those with more limited schedules. It’s worth noting that the actual hours for May’s Community Day have shifted from those offered in April; this past Saturday’s event took place from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. local time. This could mean that Niantic is still experimenting with the format, to see the best time for players to take part. Hopefully the company will find something that can make all of the game’s fans happy!

Are you looking forward to Pokemon Go‘s May Community Day?Have you been happy with the Season of Alola? Let us know inthecomments or shareyour thoughts directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp to talk all things gaming!