Pokemon Go Changes Time Window for Next Community Day

Pokemon Go is shifting the local time windows for its next Community Day by an hour to offset the [...]

Pokemon Go is shifting the local time windows for its next Community Day by an hour to offset the hot summer weather in much of the Northern Hemisphere. Earlier today, Pokemon Go officially announced Mudkip as the focus of July's Community Day event. The Water-type Pokemon will spawn with greater frequency on July 21st and players who participate will also benefit from a 3x catch XP bonus. However, the announcement came with a bit of a surprise. Instead of its previous 3 PM to 6 PM local time window, July's Community Day will take place from 4 PM to 7 PM.

The reason for the time change is simple - July is in the middle of the summer for the Northern Hemisphere, and Pokemon Go hopes that the hour shift will lead to slightly more bearable temperatures. For most US cities, July is the hottest month of the year, with average temperatures of at least 80 degrees. We'll also note that 3 PM tends to be the hottest time of the day, and that temperatures usually start to drop afterwards.

While not announced, July's Community Day will likely feature a boosted spawn rate for the Shiny variant of Mudkip. In addition, any Swampert evolved during the event will known an exclusive move. Although the move is unannounced, it's likely to be Hydro Cannon, as it would match the move learned by Blastoise and Feraligatr on their respective Community Day events.

We'll have more news on next month's Community Day as it's announced. For now, mark July 21st on your calendar, and start scouting for somewhere cool to catch your Mudkip!