
Pokemon Go Tour 2023 Will Make Players Choose Between Ruby and Sapphire Teams


Pokemon Go Tour: Hoenn – Las Vegas is set to take place later this week, and when it does, players will be tasked with choosing between a Ruby Team and a Sapphire Team. The team that players choose will have an impact on the overall event. The team that completes the most Field Research during each hour will determine whether Primal Groudon or Primal Kyogre appears in Primal Raids. There will also be an increased chance of that team’s respective Pokemon appearing more frequently.

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From the promotional art, it seems Team Ruby’s increased encounters will include Trapinch, Volbeat, Plusle, Castform (Sunny), and Solrock. Meanwhile, Team Sapphire’s increased encounters will include Wailmer, Illumise, Minun, Castform (Rainy), and Lunatone. The promotional art can be found in the Tweet embedded below.

Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire introduced the Hoenn region, which will take the focus during Pokemon Go Tour this year. The Las Vegas in-person event is set to begin on February 18th, but a Global event will be available to all players. Pokemon Go Tour: Hoenn – Global will begin on February 25th, putting a number of Pokemon from Ruby and Sapphire in the spotlight. Players will also have the opportunity to snag a Shiny Jirachi, but only by purchasing a Masterwork Research story that will be available for purchase for $4.99. Readers can learn more about that right here.

So far, it seems like Pokemon Go Tour: Hoenn is shaping up to be an exciting event! Players that make it to the in-game event in Las Vegas will clearly have more perks to enjoy over everyone else, including increased Shiny rates. However, it does seem like the Global event will have a lot to look forward to, from Primal Raids, to new avatar items, and more. Hopefully this year’s Pokemon Go Tour will prove enjoyable for players regardless of whether they can attend the event, or if they’re playing locally!

Are you looking forward to Pokemon Go Tour: Hoenn? Do you plan on attending the in-person event in Las Vegas this weekend?Letusknowin thecomments or share yourthoughtsdirectlyonTwitter and onHiveat @Marcdachamp to talk all things gaming!