PlayStation 5 Reveal Date Possibly Revealed

It's May 8, 2020, and we still don't know what the PS5 console looks like it. To put that into [...]

It's May 8, 2020, and we still don't know what the PS5 console looks like it. To put that into context, we've known what the Xbox Series X looks like since December. And we've even known what the PS5 controller -- the DualSense -- looks like since last month. When this will change, who knows. Sony hasn't provided a reveal date for the console, nor has it even hinted at one. However, a new rumor may have just spilled the next-gen beans for it.

According to Bloomberg's Jason Schreier, the PlayStation 5 event may be going down soon. How soon? Well, the reputable industry insider suggests it will go down sometime between early June and mid June. By itself, this claim should be taken with a grain of salt, however, it does loosely line up with what another industry insider said last month, which is that the console will be revealed on June 4.

Of course, with the coronavirus pandemic still disrupting society and postponing events right and left, it's quite possible that even if this window is accurate, it may not stay accurate. Everything is constantly changing right now. In fact, I'm fairly confident in saying the PS5 reveal would have happened already if not for the coronavirus pandemic, which has been impacting just about every facet of PlayStation's business.

In addition to the console, Sony will likely also use the event to reveal some big PS5 games. At the moment, it's unclear what games the PS5 is packing, but Silent Hills, Horizon Zero Dawn, Ratchet & Clanks, Demon's Souls, SOCOM, and more series have been thrown around lately.

The PlayStation 5 is currently scheduled to release sometime this holiday season. At the moment, it's unclear when exactly the console will launch or how much it will cost, but we should get all of this information and more sometime in June. You can continue to read more about the console via the relevant links below: