PewDiePie Gives Warning About the PS5's Price

During a new YouTube video, Felix 'PewDiePie' Kjellberg gave a warning about the PS5's price, [...]

During a new YouTube video, Felix "PewDiePie" Kjellberg gave a warning about the PS5's price, noting the fact that Sony hasn't revealed it yet is telling. According to the world's most popular YouTuber, the fact that Sony has been dancing around questions about the PS5's price is not good news for PlayStation fans hoping to cop the console at a relatively cheap price point this holiday season.

"So, the starting price for the PlayStation 5... whoops we ran out of time guys," said PewDiePie mocking Sony. "Didn't they announce -- when they announced the PlayStation 4, the price was amazing and they were so proud of it. There was no way they were not going to have that in their presentation. So, the fact that they haven't announced a price is not good news."

Elsewhere in the video, PewDiePie talked about the console's unconventional design, noting that the Xbox Series X came out on top in this regard. In fact, PewDiePie reveals that he actually thinks the mock-ups done by fans ahead of the reveal look better, and that anyone who thinks the design of the console doesn't matter is conveniently ignoring the fact that Sony likely spent millions upon millions in R&D when designing the console.

"Maybe it looks better in person," said PewDiepIe. "I don't wanna be that guy, but even before I saw anyone's reaction to it, I was like, 'that looks really ugly'."

PewDiePie added that his design idea for the console would have been a throwback design that paid homage to the first PlayStation, which, at one point, some PlayStation fans thought Sony was actually going to do.

At the moment of publishing, not only has Sony not revealed the PS5's price point, but it's unclear when this will even change. That said, we suspect the starting price will be $500.

"The PS5 will cost $500, or at least that will be the starting price point," reads a snippet from our PS5 price prediction piece. "Sony has hinted at the PS5 being a bit on the pricey side in the past, which certainly rules out a $400 price point. Meanwhile, rarely do consoles sell at the $50 mark, and if Sony were to choose $450, it would require it to eat some of the costs upfront, which it won't do. At this point, everything points to a $500 price point. There's no way it makes the mistake of charging $600 again, and again, consoles rarely will sell at the $50 mark at the start of the generation, which rules at $550."

The PlayStation 5 is poised to release sometime this holiday season. For more news, rumors, leaks, and all other types of coverage on the console click here or see the relevant links below: