
New PS5 Restock Taking Place via PlayStation Direct


A new restock of the PlayStation 5 is set to take place today via PlayStation Direct. Ever since the PS5 first launched in late 2020, Sony has been selling its latest video game console directly to consumers through a service that it calls PlayStation Direct. And while these restocks are a bit hit-and-miss due to the nature in which Sony makes consoles available to customers, those who have received an invite to take part in the sale might be able to get lucky in just a few short hours.ย 

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If you’re not familiar with how Sony runs these PS5 restocks through PlayStation Direct, it typically only makes stock available to those who have received an invitation. The official PlayStation websiteย allows users to sign-up for the chance to receive one of these invites for a sale that will be held at a later date. Within the past day, some users have reported that these invitation emails have started to now go out prior to the restock kicking off later this afternoon. So if you’re someone who has registered to receive one of these invites in the past, be sure to keep an eye on your email inbox in the near future.ย

Unfortunately, the biggest downside of these PS5 restocks through PlayStation Direct is that if you don’t receive an invite, you’re essentially out of luck. While Sony has made some sales available to the general public without needing an invitation, there’s no guarantee that this will end up playing out later today. If you haven’t registered for a chance to receive one of these invites for yourself, there’s no harm in still doing so right at this moment. That being said, your chances of getting an invite link to take part in the sale later this afternoon are quite slim at this point.ย 

Have you received one of these invites to take part in this PlayStation Direct PS5 restock later today? Or have you already copped yourself a PS5 in a previous restock elsewhere? Let me know either down in the comments or you can hit me up on Twitter at @MooreMan12.