Rockstar’s Red Dead Redemption 2 is a vast adventure, one that’s worth digging hours of time into just to see what all you can find in the Wild West world that’s presented here. But for those of you who can’t really wait and want to get stuff right away, well, there’s kind of a way to do that.
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A number of “cheats” for the game have been revealed, letting you do all sorts of cool stuff, from improving your stamina to gaining access to various weapons to bumping up your wanted level, if that’s how dangerous you want to live.
Now, the cheat codes here are actually done through phrases, like newspaper headlines or simple sentences defining the experience of the West. And not all of them unlock stuff right away, as some require prerequisites, or getting something done before you can access them.
We’ve got a list of some of the best cheats below, along with any required tasks before you can get to them. To enter a cheat code, simply go to Settings while paused and press either the Triangle button on PS4 or the Y button on Xbox One. Then enter the code below (if you met the in-game goals) and enjoy!
Just keep something in mind. If you activate any cheat within the game, you won’t be able to save and you won’t earn either Achievements or Trophies. So they’re more for fun than progression. Have fun!
Bring On the Cheats!
- “Abundance is the dullest desire”- gives you Infinite Ammo. To activate this, you’ll need to buy the New Hanover Gazette No. 27, which can be bought in Valentine during Chapter 1.
- “A simple life, a beautiful death”- provides you with an array of basic weapons, no prerequisite
- “Greed is American Virtue”- gives you heavy weapons, but first you need to purchase a newspaper after you finish the Chapter 3 mission Advertising, the New American Art
- “Death is silence”- gives you stealth-based weapons, no prerequisite
- “You long for sight and see nothing”- you get to see the entire map, though you’ll need to buy a newspaper after Chapter 3, Blood Feuds, Ancient and Modern
- “Vanity. All is Vanity.”- unlock all the suits for Arthur, no prerequisite
- “Virtue Unearned is not virtue.”- boosts your Honor rating, but to do this, you’ll need to buy a newspaper after completing the Chapter 4 mission Urban Pleasures.
- “Balance. All is Balance.”- brings your honor back to a neutral level, no prerequisite
- “The lucky be strong evermore.”- you’ll attain infinite stamina with this, but first you’ll need to complete Chapter 5, then buy a newspaper
- “Your flourish before you die.”- your health, stamina and Deadeye abilities go to full, no prerequisite
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- “You seek more than the world offers.”-you refill and fortify all your health and stamina bars. First, though, you’ll need to purchase a newspaper after completing Chapter 6, The King’s Son
- “Better than my dog.”- increase the whistling range for your horse, no prerequisite
- “A fool on command”- you become instantly drunk, no prerequisite
- “Run! Run! Run!”- acquire a race horse, no prerequisite
- “You are a beast built for war.”- acquire a War Horse, though you’ll first need to buy a newspaper after completing the Epilogue
- “Keep your dreams simple.”- summon a wagon with a single horse
- “Would you be happier as a clown?”- create a circus wagon, though you’ll first need to buy a newspaper after completing the epilogue
- “You want punishment.”- increases your Wanted Level, no prerequisite
- “You want freedom.”- decreases your Wanted Level, no prerequisite
Give these a try and have fun!
Red Dead Redemption 2 is available now for Xbox One and PlayStation 4. Be sure to check out our review!