'Red Dead Redemption 2' Lets You Target Enemies' Genitals

Rockstar Games released a new Red Dead Redemption 2 trailer showing off the game’s revamped Dead [...]

Rockstar Games released a new Red Dead Redemption 2 trailer showing off the game's revamped Dead Eye system that lets players target enemies' most critical points.

One of those points that it wants players to aim for is the opponents' genitals, according to one scene from the trailer. As the narrator explained how the updated Dead Eye system works and the trailer depicted a scenario where the Arthur Morgan and his cohorts burst out of a building to draw their weapons on enemies who were lying in wait, an enemy's vitals were painted red to show where players should aim to do the most damage. Highlighting different areas like the head and the heart, Twitter user Nibellion noticed that one small splash of red beneath all the others was just begging to be aimed at.

The yellow hand in the screenshot above doesn't actually appear in the trailer at the top, so you won't have the helpful indicator showing you where to look, but the body parts painted red are enough of a visual to guide your aim. Rockstar's trailer takes the more traditional route by scoring a headshot on the enemy though, so we don't get to see any animation that would ensue should a player choose to target the vital in question. The trailer's description of the updated Dead Eye mechanic says that it can target "critical or fatal points" though, so while a headshot would lead to a quick death like the video shows, shooting lower will likely fall under the "critical" category to either kill or incapacitate an enemy.

"The Dead Eye system has been expanded and will progress in stages allowing you to slow time, paint targets, and see critical or fatal points of your enemies," the narrator said. "How and when you use it is up to you."

As one Twitter user who replied to Nibellion's callout pointed out, this isn't the first time that Red Dead Redemption 2's focus on genitals has made the news. As individuals and outlets got their first hands-on experience with the game, it was pointed out that horse testicles adapt to the weather that players were experiencing and change size accordingly.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is scheduled to release on October 26th for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.