
Resident Evil Biohazard Gold Edition Is Half-off at GameStop

The PlayStation 4 Gold Edition of Resident Evil 7 Biohazard is on sale for just $24.99 right now […]

The PlayStation 4 Gold Edition of Resident Evil 7 Biohazard is on sale for just $24.99 right now at GameStop, half-off of the original price for a new copy.

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Buying pre-owned is, of course, a bit cheaper, but a new copy of the game’s Gold Edition will usually run players for $49.99 regardless of what platform it’s purchased for. The deal only appears to apply to PlayStation 4 players at the moment, however, with the Xbox One version of the latest Resident Evil installment still being sold at full price.

What sets the Resident Evil Biohazard Gold Edition apart from the base version is the inclusion of several DLC packs, each of which were detailed in the description of the Gold Edition.

“Resident Evil 7 biohazard Gold Edition will include all the contents from the critically acclaimed release earlier this year along with all three pieces of downloadable add-on content, in one ultimate horror package,” GameStop’s description reads. “These previously released DLC packs – Banned Footage Vol. 1 and Banned Footage Vol. 2 will be included as well as the upcoming third DLC release End of Zoe.”

The third DLC mentioned above is already out, one that follows the story of Zoe after she’s left behind by the game’s protagonist, Ethan. Another DLC that was released for all player for free called Not a Hero will also be available with any version of Resident Evil Biohazard, a DLC that puts players in control of the Resident Evil icon Chris Redfield.

With how low this deal is compared to other options for buying the game, it makes the Gold Edition a steal if you haven’t played the DLC yet and an even better deal if you still haven’t played the base game. The base version of Resident Evil Biohazard is being sold for more than this Gold Edition on the PlayStation Store, and the DLC prices add up to more than $25 anyway. The first and second volumes of Banned Footage cost $9.99 and $14.99 respectively, so buyers are essentially getting the base game and the End of Zoe DLC for free.

An end date has not been listed for when the GameStop deal will end.