Scuf Gaming revealed its latest PlayStation and PC device on Tuesday with the unveiling of the Scuf Vantage 2, an upgraded version of its high-end Vantage controller released last year. The Scuf Vantage 2 boasts improvements such as better components along with the collection of customizable features which make a return such as the back paddles, side-action (SAX) buttons, and parts which can be removed or swapped out for others. It comes in both a wired and wireless version and will start shipping later this month.
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Those who recall the release of the original Scuf Vantage will already be acquainted with the Scuf Vantage 2’s appearance that’s seen in the video above. It’s shaped more like an Xbox One controller than a traditional PlayStation 4 device and rounds out its larger shape with a ton of customizable features. It’s got four paddles on the back which can be assigned to different inputs along with the SAX buttons which give you a total of six more input methods compared to a normal controller. From the thumbsticks to the faceplace, much of the controller can either be swapped out for other options while the vibration modules can even be removed entirely.
All of those features were present in the first Vantage, but Scuf says it’s taken steps to make this version of the controller even better while keeping the standard features from the original. Improvements Scuf says you’ll see in this controller include better button haptics, an improved grip on the back of the controller to help with longer play sessions, upgraded trigger functions, and better textures on everything from the faceplate to the triggers and SAX buttons
One of the most attractive features found in the Vantage 2 is the reveal of a customization app which can be used to configure different profiles for your controller. The Vantage already made it easy to change inputs with a simple button at the bottom of the controller removing the need for a separate configuration key, but the ability to swap between different profiles when you move to a game sounds like it’ll streamline the process even further.
Just like the original Vantage, this new edition of the controller has a price to match all its features. The wired version of the device starts at $169.95 and goes up from there depending on what you want to customize while the one which switches between wired and wireless starts at $199.95. There’s also a special edition of the controller made just for the upcoming Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.
The Scuf Vantage 2 starts shipping on October 14th, and you can find out more about the controller and how to pre-order it through Scuf Gaming’s site. Our review of the original Scuf Vantage can be found here.