Shroud New World Stream Interrupted by "Exploding" PC Power Supply

Michael "Shroud" Grzesiek's Twitch viewers were enjoying a New World stream yesterday when the feed came to an abrupt end. When the streamer returned, he revealed that his uninterruptible power supply (or UPS) exploded, causing the outage. The streamer returned to the game and his fellow players promptly, and actually seemed in good spirits about the whole thing, stating that it scared him "but it was cool." Unfortunately, Shroud's return was cut short, as power issues forced him to stop streaming for the rest of the night. The streamer took to Twitter earlier today to address the issue.

"Trying to figure out my power issue after the surge last night. May or may not stream tonight.... one things for sure though the grind for new world don't STOP," Shroud wrote on Twitter.

Not all streamers have been impressed with New World, but Shroud is clearly a big fan of the game, devoting a significant amount of time to it since launch. The streamer has shared some of his issues with the game, most notably its user interface and its lack of catch-up mechanics for those with less time to devote. None of these elements have proven enough to keep him away from "the grind," and neither will yesterday's setback. In fact, Shroud's comment above was followed by a Tweet from girlfriend and fellow Twitch streamer Hannah "Bnans" Kenney, who replied "saved" alongside a picture of a Battery Back-UPS.

New World has proven to be a strong success for Amazon Game Studios thus far! The title's launch has been met with a heavy amount of interest. Of course, interest from streamers like Shroud has likely helped drive sales. It will be interesting to see if the game is able to maintain this kind of interest, or if there might be a drop-off after it becomes less shiny and new. For now, fans will just have to wait and see!

New World is available now, exclusively on PC. You can check out our previous coverage of the game right here.

Have you been a fan of New World so far? Were you watching Shroud's stream when his UPS exploded? Let us know in the comments or share your thoughts directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp to talk all things gaming!

[H/T: Dexerto]