Star Wars Jedi: Survivor launched last month on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X|S, and since its release, it’s attracted millions of players, according to EA. And while the game has been weighed down by performance issues, the core experience underneath these issues has drawn lots of praise. Like its predecessor, Jedi: Fallen Order, it’s one of the better Star Wars games ever made. That said, some players have had enough of the immersion-breaking locked doors.
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During the course of the game, players will encounter locked doors that halt their progression. Of course, Cal Kestis could just cut his way through this locked door with his lightsaber, but this is a video game, and video games often have immersion-breaking restrictions to facilitate their design. So, while Cal could do this, hypothetically, he can’t in the game. This may seem like a minuscule issue, but it’s one that’s the subject of a post on the game’s Reddit page. In this post, titled, “The one thing I hate about both games,” a fan of the game slams this design choice. Of course, the comments are full of people taking umbrage with this nitpick of the game, but the post has garnered over 1,400 votes up, so many clearly agree with the complaint.
“The one thing I hate about both games. ‘This door is locked.’ If only I had a weapon that could cut through a door,” reads the post. “Perhaps hate was too strong of a word. Let’s sayI find it a bit silly. Also yes for f***s sake I understand it’s a game and it’s a gameplay mechanic. I am simply stating that it’s a bit silly. I’m not saying doors should be removed. I’m simply observing something.”
“Yeah I think that is kinda dumb. Between the light saber and like force powers locked doors shouldn’t be a problem,” adds a reply in agreement.
While it’s true the doors are locked for the purpose of the design of the game, there are ways around this in the design process. Often this way around is more expensive and requires more work than it’s worth though, which is why so many games will break immersion with small, silly little things like locked doors that even a powerful jedi can’t breach.