Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game Announces New Battle of Yavin Scenario Set

The long-running X-Wing Miniatures Game is introducing a new "Scenario Mode" that lets players re-enact classic space battles from the Star Wars franchise. Today at Star Wars Celebration, Atomic Mass Games announced The Battle of Yavin Scenario pack for X-Wing Miniatures Game. This is the first in a new kind of product that allows players to recreate famous battles from Star Wars. The Battle of Yavin scenario pack will see the Rebels attempting to successfully complete a trench run down the Death Star, while the Imperials try to stop them. It'll be interesting to see whether players will have to choose ships actively involved in that battle (such as X-Wings or Y-Wings) or if they can see if other kinds of starfighters would have made a difference in the trench run. You can check out an early look at the boxed set below: 

(Photo: Atomic Mass Games)

The X-Wing Miniatures Game is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year, with the game now under the stewardship of Atomic Mass Games. Players build a squadron of various starfighters, ranging from nimble A-Wings to bulky Y-Wings, and outfit them with different upgrades and pilots with different skills. After a tabletop surface is filled with different kinds of obstacles, most often asteroids, and players have to plan their turns to out-maneuver their opponent and shoot them out of the sky...or space. Each ship has a different turn radius, speed, and weapons range, which makes picking out your squad even more important. 

While new releases for X-Wing Miniatures Game has slowed down somewhat, players can still choose from dozens of ships and fighters, including the Razor's Crest from The Mandalorian. This new game mode should also provide players with a spark to use their X-Wing Miniatures Game collections in ways that up to now have only been supported through unofficial rules. 

No release date was available for The Battle of Yavin Scenario Pack, but expect more details to be announced weeks.