The annual game-buying bacchanal that is the Steam Summer Sale is nearly at an end. Is your credit card still recovering? Or maybe you’ve been holding off for some reason? Well folks, it’s time to buy or get off the pot!
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Each day Steam highlights a new batch of deals, but don’t worry – unlike in the past, there will be no daily or flash sales. Once a deal is offered, it remains in place for the remainder of the sale, which wraps up on June 5 at 10 am PT. That means you have less than 24 hours to pull the trigger on any sales you’ve had your eye on!
Scroll down for our can’t-miss Steam Summer Sale deals, then keep on scrolling for all the archived daily highlights. At this point, it’s a pretty comprehensive list of all the sales Steam is currently offering. Maybe you’ll catch an awesome deal we missed! Brace your credit card for impact…
Deals You Can’t Miss
Individual Games:
- Batman: The Telltale Series (65% off)
- Bayonetta (25% off)
- Call of Duty: Black Ops III (50% off)
- Cities: Skylines (75% off)
- Dark Souls III (60% off)
- Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 (50% off)
- Fallout 4 (50% off)
- Firewatch (55% off)
- Ghost Recon Wildlands (33% off)
- Grand Theft Auto V (50% off)
- Half-Life 2 (90% off)
- Hotline Miami (75% off)
- Life is Strange (75% off)
- Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 (40% off)
- Mortal Kombat XL (60% off)
- Overcooked (50% off)
- Portal 2 (90% off)
- Prey (34% off)
- Rocket League (40% off)
- Stardew Valley (40% off)
- The Witcher III: Wild Hunt (50% off)
- Assassin’s Creed franchise (up to 55% off)
- Bioshock franchise (up to 75% off)
- Deus Ex Franchise (up to 85% off)
- Dishonored Franchise (up to 75% off)
- Elder Scrolls franchise (up to 75% off)
- Far Cry franchise (up to 60% off)
- Hitman franchise (up to 80% off)
- Resident Evil franchise (up to 87% off)
- Sid Meier’s Civilization franchise (up to 75% off)
- Sonic franchise (up to 75% off)
- Tomb Raider Franchise (up to 80% off)
- The Walking Dead franchise (75% off)

Steam Summer Sale featured deals for July 2
- Age of Wonders franchise (up to 75% off)
- Bioshock franchise (up to 75% off)
- Crawl (30% off)
- Dead Cells (15% off)
- Dead or Alive 5 Last Round: Core Fighters (60% off)
- Far Cry franchise (up to 60% off)
- Flinthook (20% off)
- Holy Potatoes! We’re in Space?! (34% off
- Inside (40% off)
- Metro franchise (up to 75% off)
- Mortal Kombat XL (60% off)
- N++ (50% off)
- NieR: Automata (30% off)
- Planetary Annihilation: TITANS (80% off)
- Prey (34% off)
- Pro Evolution Soccer 2017 (50% off)
- Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion (80% off)
- Snake Pass (50% off)
- Starpoint Gemini Warlords (25% off)
- Streets of Rogue (50% off)
- Subnautica (50% off)
- Tales of Berseria (40% off)
- The Banner Saga 2 (50% off)
- The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth (50% off)
- The Long Dark (60% off)
- The Sims franchise (up to 75% off)
- The Stanley Parable (75% off)
- The Witness (50% off)
- Titan Quest Anniversary Edition (80% off)
- Total War franchise (up to 75% off)
- Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power (75% off)
- Zero Escape: The Nonary Games (25% off)

Steam Summer Sale featured deals for July 1
- Aliens games (up to 80% off)
- ARK: Survival Evolved (51% off)
- Assassin’s Creed franchise (up to 55% off)
- Batman games (up to 75% off)
- Battlefleet Gothic: Armada (66% off)
- Battlerite (33% off)
- Berserk and the Band of the Hawk (40% off)
- Black Mesa (60% off)
- Disgaea 2 (33% off)
- Europa Universalis IV (75% off)
- Furi (50% off)
- Galactic Civilizations franchise (up to 75% off)
- Homefront: The Revolution (66% off)
- Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime (55% off)
- Miscreated (50% off)
- Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight (30% off)
- Project Highrise (65% off)
- Resident Evil franchise (up to 87% off)
- Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-ality (20% off)
- RWBY: Grimm Eclipse (50% off)
- Space Pirate Trainer (30% off)
- Star Wars games (up to 78% off)
- Stardew Valley (40% off)
- Stars in Shadow (40% off)
- State of Decay: YOSE (67% off)
- TerraTech (33% off)
- The Turing Test (60% off)
- The Walking Dead games (up to 75% off)
- Thea: The Awakening (50% off)
- Turok 2: Seeds of Evil (33% off)
- Warhammer: End Times – Vermintide (67% off)
- Zombie Army Trilogy (80% off)

Steam Summer Sale featured deals for June 30
- Besiege (40% off)
- Doom franchise (up to 75% off)
- Dragon Quest Heroes II (33% off)
- Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen (60% off)
- Endless Legend (75% off)
- Firewatch (55% off)
- Forts (25% off)
- GameMaker Studio 2 Desktop (20% off)
- Hard West (75% off)
- Hitman franchise (up to 80% off)
- Hurtworld (50% off)
- Megadimension Neptunia VII (65% off)
- Mount & Blade: Warband (75% off)
- Orwell (50% off)
- Owlboy (33% off)
- Oxenfree (75% off)
- Pillars of Eternity (60% off)
- Planet Coaster (33% off)
- Quantum Break (50% off)
- Realpolitiks (30% off)
- Rust (50% off)
- Ryse: Son of Rome (75% off)
- Sid Meier’s Civilization franchise (up to 75% off)
- Sonic franchise (up to 75% off)
- Styx: Shards of Darkness (40% off)
- Tales from the Borderlands (75% off)
- The King of Fighters XIV (20% off)
- The Talos Principle (75% off)
- The Wild Eight (15% off)
- Thumper (40% off)
- Worms (up to 80% off)

Steam Summer Sale featured deals for June 29
- 7 Days to Die (60% off)
- Age of Mythology: Extended Edition (75% off)
- Armello (40% off)
- Beholder (57% off)
- Borderlands franchise (up to 80% off)
- Clustertruck (67% off)
- Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (33% off)
- Craft The World (75% off)
- Deceit (30% off)
- Elder Scrolls franchise (up to 75% off)
- Elite Dangerous (50% off)
- Everything (34% off)
- Hearthlands (25% off)
- Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak (66% off)
- Insurgency (85% off)
- Move or Die (60% off)
- Onward (20% off)
- Plague Inc: Evolved (55% off)
- Project Zomboid (40% off)
- Rebel Galaxy (70% off)
- RPG Maker MV (65% off)
- Senran Kagura Estivus Festival (25% off)
- ShellShock Live (40% off)
- Sherlock Holmes: The Devil’s Daughter (65% off)
- Sniper Ghost Warrior franchise (up to 80% off)
- Steep (50% off)
- Tricky Towers (50% off)
- Tropico francise (up to 75% off)
- TY the Tasmanian Tiger (34% off)
- Vikings: Wolves of Midgard (50% off)
- Viscera Cleanup Detail (33% off)
- We Need To Go Deeper (35% off)

Steam Summer Sale featured deals for June 28
- Age of Empires II HD (75% off)
- Atelier Sophie: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Book (30% off)
- Attack on Titan (50% off)
- Arizona Sunshine (20% off)
- Baldur’s Gate Enhanced Edition (66% off)
- Broforce (75% off)
- Cossacks 3 (50% off)
- Cities Skylines (75% off)
- Darkest Dungeon (60% off)
- Dead by Daylight (40% off)
- Devil May Cry Franchise (up to 75% off)
- The Flame in the Flood (60% off)
- God Eater 2 (66% off)
- Guilty Gear Xrd Revelator (25% off)
- Game Dev Tycoon (60% off)
- The Jackbox Party Pack 3 (40% off)
- Keep Talking and Nobody Explores (67% off)
- Kingdom: New Lands (70% off)
- Lisa (50% off)
- Mad Max (60% off)
- Microsoft Flight Simulator X (60% off)
- Planetbase (40% off)
- Portal Knights (25% off)
- Rainbow Six Franchise (up to 66% off)
- Shantae Half-Genie Hero (33% off)
- Sleeping Dogs (80% off)
- Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 (40% off)
- The Witcher Franchise (up to 85% off)
- What Remains of Edith Finch (25% off)
- WWE 2K17 (70% off)

Steam Summer Sale featured deals for June 27
- Shadow Warrior franchise (up to 90% off)
- River City Ransom Underground (50% off)
- Overcooked (50% off)
- ARMA 3 (66% off)
- Dark Souls 3 (60% off)
- Deus Ex Franchise (up to 85% off)
- Gang Beats (33% off)
- Garry’s Mod (50% off)
- Stranded Deep (30% off)
- Starbound (33% off)
- Kerbal Space Program (50% off)
- Avorion (20% off)
- Fairy Fencer F Advent Dark Force (80% off)
- BeamNG.drive (33% off)
- Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair (50% off)
- Ballistic Overkill (20%)
- Pixel Privateers (67% off)
- EARTHLOCK: Festival of Magic (67% off)
- Wolfenstein franchise (up to 75% off)
- Scribblenauts Unlimited (75% off)
- Hand of Fate (75% off)
- Rabi-Ribi (30% off)
- OneShot (40% off)
- Detention (33% off)
- Ride 2 (50% off)
- Redout: Enhanced Edition (60% off)
- Guardians of Ember (50% off)
- Hacknet (66% off)
- Hotline Miami (75% off)
- Offworld Trading Company (60% off)
- Moon Hunters (50% off)

Steam Summer Sale featured deals for June 26
- Dawn of War Franchise (up to 75% off)
- Death Road to Canada (33% off)
- Dead Rising Franchise (up to 70% off)
- Don’t Starve (75% off)
- Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 (50% off)
- Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends (70% off)
- The Escapists (75% off)
- Farming Simulator 17 (33% off)
- For the King (25% off)
- Full Throttle Remastered (34% off)
- Guns of Icarus: Alliance (50% off)
- Half-Life 2 (90% off)
- Halo Wars Definitive Edition (25% off)
- H1Z1: King of the Hill (50% off)
- Just Cause Franchise (up to 80% off)
- No Man’s Sky (60% off)
- Papers Please (60% off)
- Rain World (40% off)
- Roguelands (50% off)
- Shovel Knight Treasure Trove (20% off)
- Slime Rancher (33% off)
- Space Hulk: Deathwing (40% off)
- StoneHearth (20% off)
- Sim Airport (20% off)
- Soma (70% off)
- This War of Mine Anniversary Edition (80% off)
- The Sexy Brutale (33% off)
- Ultimate Chicken Horse (40% off)
- XCOM 2 (67% off)

Steam Summer Sale featured deals for June 25
- Banished (75% off)
- Batman: The Telltale Series (65% off)
- Crypt of the NecroDancer (80% off)
- Dirt Rally (70% off)
- Diluvion (50% off)
- Dishonored Franchise (up to 75% off)
- Divinity Franchise (up to 90% off)
- Enter the Gungeon (50% off)
- F1 Franchise (up to 75% off)
- Fable Anniversary (75% off)
- The Forest (33% off)
- FTL: Faster Than Light (75% off)
- Grand Theft Auto V (50% off)
- Genital Jousting (50% off)
- Gremlins Inc. (50% off)
- Human: Fall Flat (60% off)
- Hellion (20% off)
- Hearts of Iron IV (50% off)
- Life is Strange (75% off)
- Little Nightmares (25% off)
- Master of Orion (50% off)
- Rocksmith (50% off)
- Sniper Elite Franchise (up to 80% off)
- The Surge (25% off)
- Sunless Sea (70% off)
- Terraria (50% off)
- Tower Unite (30% off)
- Watch Dogs Franchise (up to 70% off)
- Yooka-Laylee (25% off)

Steam Summer Sale featured deals for June 24
- Assetto Corsa (50% off)
- Battle Brothers (25% off)
- Bayonetta (25% off)
- BlazBlue Centralfiction (20% off)
- Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition (30% off)
- Car Mechanic Simulator 2015 (85% off)
- Clone Drone in the Danger Zone (33% off)
- Conan Exiles (33% off)
- Crusader Kings 2 (75% off)
- Day of Infamy (40% off)
- Domina (50% off)
- Duck Game (50% off)
- EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1 The Shadow of New Despair (40% off)
- Fallout Franchise (up to 75% off)
- Five Nights at Freddy’s Titles (50% off)
- How to Survive 2 (75% off)
- Kona (50% off)
- Left 4 Dead 2 (90% off)
- Men of War: Assault Squad 2 (80% off)
- Naruto Franchise (up to 75% off)
- Nights of Azure (30% off)
- Obduction (33% off)
- Osiris: New Dawn (40% off)
- Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition (15% off)
- SPINTIRES (75% off)
- Saints Row Franchise (up to 75% off)
- Sairento VR (20% off)
- Sakura Dungeon (40% off)
- Shadowrun Franchise (up to 90% off)
- TRANSFORMERS: Devastation (80% off)
- Tabletop Simulator (50% off)
- The Division (60% off)
- The Solus Project (50% off)
- This Is the Police (50% off)
- Transport Fever (30% off)
- Verdun (75% off)

Steam Summer Sale featured deals for June 23
- 8-Bit Armies (50% off)
- Beat Cop (33% off)
- Bigfoot (25% off)
- Dying Light The Following – Enhanced Edition (60% off)
- Endless Space (75% off)
- Euro Truck Simulator (75% off)
- For Honor (33% off)
- Goat Simulator (80% off)
- Guts and Glory (30% off)
- Helldivers (50% off)
- Hidden Folks (25% off)
- I am Setsuna (40% off)
- Killing Floor 2 (50% off)
- LEGO Game Franchise (up to 75% off)
- Lost Castle (40% off)
- Magika 2 (66% off)
- NBA 2K17 (75% off)
- NOBUNAGA’S AMBITION: Sphere of Influence (50% off)
- Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition (50% off)
- Outlast 2 (20% off)
- Poly Bridge (40% off)
- Prison Architect (75% off)
- Project Cars (67% off)
- Rocket League (40% off)
- Salt and Sanctuary (40% off)
- Scrap Mechanic (40% off)
- Serious Sam Franchise (up to 92% off)
- Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun (25% off)
- Space Engineers (60% off)
- Stellaris (50% off)
- Syrian Warfare (32% off)
- The Dwarves (50% off)
- The Final Station (60% off)
- The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky (50% off)
- Tomb Raider Franchise (up to 80% off)
- X-Plane 11 (26% 0ff)

Steam Summer Sale featured deals for June 22
- ABZU (70% off)
- Aragami (50% off)
- Ashes of the Singularity: Escalation (50% off)
- Blood Bowl 2 (66% off)
- Call of Duty Franchise (up to 50% off)
- Cities: Skylines (75% off)
- City Car Driving (20% off)
- Darkest Dungeon (60% off)
- Democracy 3: Africa (75% off)
- Depth (75% off)
- Expeditions: Vikings (25% off)
- Final Fantasy Franchise (up to 50% off)
- Football Manager 2017 (66% off)
- Ghost Recon Franchise (up to 66% off)
- Golf It (35% off)
- Grim Dawn (50% off)
- Guardians of the Galaxy (33% off)
- Hollow Knight (34% off)
- Mafia 3 (63% off)
- One Piece Burning Blood (66% off)
- Pamela (30% off)
- Romance of the Three Kingdoms 13 (60% off)
- Shadow of Mordor (80% off)
- South Park: The Stick of Truth (75% off)
- Stardew Valley (40% off)
- Steins Gate (40% off)
- Subnautica (50% off)
- Superhot (44% off)
- Torchlight 2 (75% off)
- Torment: Tides of Numenera (50% off)
- Transistor (85% off)
- Tyranny (50% off)
As mentioned, the Steam Summer Sale wraps up tomorrow (June 5) at 10am PT. Head on over to Steam and do some browsing of your own!