The trailer for Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League opens with Metropolis under siege. While Superman seems to be the main antagonist, it would appear that this is not the type of “Superman turns bad” story gamers saw in the Injustice series. This time around, it appears that the Justice League might be under some sort of mental control from the villainous Brainiac. What appears to be the villain’s ship can be seen leering over Metropolis, and the villain has been known to enslave minds in his previous appearances. If that is the case, it seems that the Suicide Squad will have their work cut out from them!
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As of this writing, developer Rocksteady Studios has not officially revealed whether or not Brainiac will appear in the game. While the villain’s ship is clearly present, the character’s absence from the trailer also says a lot. Perhaps gamers will assume that the villain is the game’s final foe, only to discover someone else at the helm.
For now, Superman remains the only confirmed opponent that the Suicide Squad will deal with in Kill the Justice League. Given the title, it seems quite likely that the team will also have to throw down with the Flash, Wonder Woman, and other Justice League staples. Rocksteady will reveal more information as the game’s 2022 release window approaches, but for now, there is one name that fans can possibly take off the list: Batman. The dark knight seemingly died at the end of 2015’s Batman: Arkham Knight, and Kill the Justice League will take place in the same universe. Of course, if Batman did survive the explosion that destroyed Wayne Manor, we could see the hero return, either as a protagonist, or as an antagonist.
Today’s trailer certainly answered a lot of questions, but it also raised quite a few more! Fans will just have to see what gets revealed over the next year or so. It definitely looks like it will be worth the wait.
Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League is set to release on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X, and PC in 2022. You can check out all of our previous coverage of the game right here.
Are you interested in checking out Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League? Do you think Brainiac is behind this? Let us know in the comments or share your thoughts directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp to talk all things gaming!