Super Mario RPG is coming to Nintendo Switch next month, and when it does, it will offer an experience similar to the original Super Nintendo game. While the remake seems to be fairly faithful to its inspiration, Nintendo has already detailed some of the changes players can expect to see, including a newly arranged soundtrack. Once the game has been cleared, SNES purists will be able to freely swap back and forth between the modern and original soundtracks through the Sound Player. A new trailer shared on the Nintendo UK Twitter account allows players a chance to listen to the differences in two game locations: Bandit’s Way and Forest Maze.
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The new trailer for Super Mario RPG can be found in the Tweet embedded below.ย
These new arrangements sound very faithful, but it’s easy to see why some fans might prefer the originals! The SNES remains one of the most beloved video game consoles of all-time, and for those that grew up with Super Mario RPG, there’s nothing like listening to those classic tracks.
Super Mario RPG Pre-Order Bonuses
With more than a month to go until Super Mario RPG‘s release, very few pre-order bonuses and purchase incentives have been revealed thus far. That will likely change as the date draws closer, but those planning to purchase the game from GameStop will receive a set of six buttons. The buttons feature the game’s logo, as well as the five playable characters: Mario, Peach (Toadstool in the original game), Bowser, Geno, and Mallow. In the decades since the original game released, this is one of the few pieces of merchandise to have ever featured Geno and Mallow. As such, longtime fans of Super Mario RPG might want to take advantage of this deal!
Super Mario RPG Release Date

Super Mario RPG will be releasing on November 17th. Originally developed by Square Soft (the company now known as Square Enix), Super Mario RPG marked the character’s first foray into the RPG genre, and was one of the last major games released for the SNES. After the game’s release, Square Soft would go on to mostly develop games for PlayStation, and a major rift formed between the publisher and Nintendo. This rift would last through the entirety of the N64 era. In the early 2000s, Nintendo and Square Soft would bury the hatchet, initially resulting in games like Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles.
The relationship between Nintendo and Square Enix would seem to be the best it’s been in years, with Nintendo Switch playing host to a large number of games from the publisher. Square Enix does not seem to be involved with the new version of Super Mario RPG, but they do own some of the game’s original characters, including Geno and Mallow.
Did you play the original Super Mario RPG? How do you feel about these new arrangements? Share yourthoughtswith medirectly onTwitter at @Marcdachamp or on Instagram at @Dachampgaming!