Some 'Super Smash Bros. Ultimate' Players Have a Weird Obsession With Zelda's Feet

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate fans are passionate, that's for sure. We all have the mains that we [...]

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate fans are passionate, that's for sure. We all have the mains that we treasure and the fighters that loathe, but some players are taking that fighting game love in a place that we can't really follow: Zelda footsies.

When perusing the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate reddit for those danke memes, I came across a post that was simply titled "So, uh ... this is a thing that exists." Mission accomplished OP because that was enough to make me want to click and now I feel like I'm in a rabbit hole I need to get the hell out of. But if I'm going to suffer that weird foot love, so are you -- and if you happen to be one of these foot lovers, well ... enjoy, I guess:

So, uh... this is a thing that exists from r/SmashBrosUltimate

In the video above you can see a plethora of comments about Zelda's toes from Reddit and other social media forums. As pointed out, there was over FIFTY pages worth of material. We can't use emojis in articles, so just go ahead and assume the shocked one is right here [...].

The comments continue, even speculating what other fighters have delectable feet ... apparently the popular picks are Peach and Lucina as well. Look, we're not here to kinkshame so we'll just let you watch the video and interpret how you will.

Thoughts on the oddly specific obsession to take over the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate subreddit? Any ... um, comments to contribute? Sound off (we're scared) in the comment section below, or hit me up over on Twitter @DirtyEffinHippy.

As for the game itself, Super smash Bros. Ultimate is available now exclusively on the Nintendo Switch. You can catch up on other actual game news with our Smash hub right here for patch notes, datamined finds, cosplay, and more.