Terry Crews Would "Very Much" Like to Do a Gears of War Movie With Dave Bautista

There has been a film in the works for years that is based on the popular shooter series Gears of [...]

There has been a film in the works for years that is based on the popular shooter series Gears of War. Unfortunately, not much has been said about the movie from Universal Studios, but there has been one thing that pops up all of the time, and that's the fact that Dave Bautista wants to be part of the project. Not only does he want it, but fans of both the series and the wrestler/actor also want it. That said, another popular actor has spoken up about his interest in doing the Gears of War movie and it is none other than Terry Crews.

While Bautista would obviously step into the role of Marcus Fenix, Terry Crews could be perfect to fit the role of Augustus Cole, more affectionately known as Cole Train. When actor Stephen Ford brought this up on Twitter, Crews was all about it. "Damn," he said. "I like this. I like this very much." He then followed it up with a seperate tweet that contained a photo of him and Bautista together, only furthering his interest in doing a Gears of War movie with him.

Needless to say, fans are all for it. They flocked to the above tweets to share their support for the idea of Terry Crews and Dave Bautista starring alongside each other in a Gears of War film adaptation. Here are some of their reactions:

It is currently unknown who will be in the Gears of War movie, or even when it will get made. Either way, it looks like we've got two actors picked out for their roles, but now it's just up to the studio to make it happen. Only time will tell.

As for what's next on the gaming side of things, Gears 5 will be launching on September 10th for PC and Xbox One. For even more on the upcoming title, check out some of our previous coverage.

What do you think about all of this? Would you love to see these two star in the Gears of War movie? Sound off in the comment section below, or feel free to hit me up over on Twitter @anarkE7!