
The Last of Us Part 2 Is Using Twitter’s New Feature to Fight Spoilers and Trolls

This week, Twitter rolled out a new feature, allowing users greater control over who can reply to […]

This week, Twitter rolled out a new feature, allowing users greater control over who can reply to their tweets. Developer Naughty Dog has already started to take advantage of this new feature in order to prevent users from spoiling parts of The Last of Us Part II in their replies. Elements of the game’s story started to leak online last month, and pretty much every official post related to the game has been bombarded with tweets revealing those elements to people that don’t want to see them. Naughty Dog has turned off replies to their most recent post about the game, and will likely continue to do so in the future. The feature is a small win for Naughty Dog, and for those that have managed to go unspoiled, thus far!

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While this new feature won’t prevent trolls from spamming the game’s hashtag or mentions on social media, it will allow Naughty Dog to post things on Twitter, without worrying about fans being unintentionally spoiled. The new feature does make it more difficult for the account to interact with fans, but it should be a small price to pay until the game’s release date.

Fortunately, those anticipating the game don’t have to hold out much longer. The game is slated for release exclusively on PlayStation 4 on June 19th. That might provide little solace for those that have already been spoiled on parts of the game’s plot, but for everyone else, the end is finally in sight!

Those involved with the game’s production have put on a good face regarding the spoilers, but it’s clear that a lot of people aren’t happy with the situation. When fans petitioned for an early digital release for The Last of Us Part II, director Neil Druckmann originally cited his concerns over spoilers for fans in countries with weaker internet infrastructure. Weeks later, plot points for the game ended up spoiled for countless fans around the world. While Twitter’s new feature comes too late for those fans, it just might help prevent additional spoilers from reaching others.

Are you happy to see Naughty Dog using the new Twitter feature to prevent spoilers? Have you been able to avoid spoilers for the game? Let us know in the comments or share directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp to talk all things gaming!