'The Last of Us Part II' Writer Reveals She Will Actually Be In the Game

To be able to write an incredible video game experience is pretty amazing. To write one as highly [...]

To be able to write an incredible video game experience is pretty amazing. To write one as highly anticipated as The Last of Us Part II? Even better! To write one and then to be actually in it? Total Nirvana. That's exactly what's happening with the sequel's writer Halley Gross after she posted an adorable picture on Instagram with her in full mo-cap!

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Guys, I’m in a video game! (I was super cool about it.)

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But don't worry guys, she was "super cool about it." But seriously, it's an incredible accomplishment and one that we're sure is beyond exciting. The first The Last of Us was met with resounding praise and from everything seen so far of its sequel, the next step in Ellie's narrative is going to be downright mind blowing.

As far as who Halley will actually be playing, we don't know yet. It could simply be a passing NPC role, or she could be playing something much bigger to counter Ellie's main story. We don't know yet but we are more than ready to find out!

Now we just have to wait for an actual release date announcement. There has been a lot of speculation in the gaming community lately, including from inside sources, that it will "in fact" be releasing this year but we have to take that for what it is: speculation. Until the studio themselves make an official announcement take every report like this with a grain of salt. It would be incredible to see The Last of Us Part II release this year, but it's also important to not get our hopes up too high until Naughty Dog themselves confirms the news.

What do you think the release date will be for The Last of Us Part II? Are you excited to see the continuation of Ellie's story? Join in on the conversation in the comment section below, or hit me up over on Twitter @DirtyEffinHippy!