Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson recently pushed a video to his Instagram account showing off some behind-the-scenes footage on the set of Rampage. We see him brandishing a grenade launcher and pulling off his very best Arnold Schwarzenegger impression (well, we assume it’s his very best). We notice that Johnson’s Schwarzenegger impression goes through the same stages that ours do: weird mouth noise, followed by some shouting in a totally butchered accent, followed by an immediate acknowledgment of how terrible the impression was. Let’s be honest: this is every Arnold Schwarzenegger impression:
Videos by ComicBook.com
What ended up being hilariously human moment on-set turned into a rather touching tribute on Johnson’s Instagram page, where he posted the video with a really humble tip of the hat to Schwarzenegger, who was apparently an encouraging senior influence early on in Johnson’s acting career.
“Nailed it. Enjoy me completely butchering my best Schwarzenegger impersonation while rehearsing on set of Rampage. When I was a kid Arnold was one of my heroes. And when I first started in Hollywood, he was one of the biggest stars on the planet and was so supportive and welcoming to me, when he didn’t have to be. First time we had dinner he said, “You can take the brass ring to places it’s never been before” in his iconic accent which clearly I suck at. 15 long hard working years later, here I am. Grateful. This one’s for you brother.”
As for Rampage, we continue to keep an eye on Johnson’s Instagram since he’s been posting quite a view teasers and on-set images there. As we look forward to the film, we’re starting to see that it will indeed live up to the promise of destruction and action that fans of the classic Rampage video games are no doubt looking forward to. The past few teases have seen Johnson standing in front of scenes of utter ruin. This is going to be one hell of a monster flick!
Stay tuned for all of the latest.