The Witcher Co-Op Game Could Still be a Long Way Away

CD Projekt Red has a handful of upcoming projects centered on The Witcher, including a co-op game from developer The Molasses Flood. Unfortunately, few details have been revealed about "Project Sirius" thus far, and it seems that development may have hit a rough patch. A regulatory announcement from CD Projekt Red published today states that the company is establishing an impairment allowance for the game. The phrasing of the announcement is a bit vague, but the wording makes it sound like Project Sirius is costing more than expected and taking longer than anticipated.

"The aforementioned decision is based on results of evaluation of the scope and commercial potential of the original concept of Project Sirius, and ongoing work on formulating a new framework for this project."

The use of "new framework" would seem to imply that development on the project is being rebooted and started over from scratch. That could be a worst case scenario, however, and it's possible that some elements of the game simply need to be reworked. That final paragraph is open to interpretation for now, and there's just no way of knowing for sure until CD Projekt Red provides more concrete information. Regardless of what the exact situation is, it doesn't sound like fans should expect to see the game anytime soon. For now, fans will just have to continue to settle for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt!

The Witcher 3 is widely considered one of the greatest games of all-time, so CD Projekt Red has a lot to live-up to when it comes to future Witcher projects. Hopefully this "new framework" for Project Sirius will prove to be for the better; considering the issues that surrounded Cyberpunk 2077 at launch, it wouldn't hurt to hold this particular project until it's ready. The company clearly sees the "commercial potential" of the game, and wants to ensure that the finished project is an enjoyable one.

Are you looking forward to CD Projekt Red's new Witcher projects? What do you hope to see from Project Sirius? Let us know in the comments or share your thoughts directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp to talk all things gaming!

[H/T: Reddit]