THQ Nordic Revealing Open World Kung-Fu RPG and New Horror Game at Gamescom

On August 22, THQ Nordic is going to hit Gamescom, one of the world's biggest gaming conventions, [...]


On August 22, THQ Nordic is going to hit Gamescom, one of the world's biggest gaming conventions, in a huge way. After a prolonged period of uncertainty, the dust has settled around the newly-formed THQ Nordic, and the company finds itself with a wide array of interesting IPs to work with, and so much potential. That potential will be on display this August, when THQ Nordic reveals two brand new games at Gamescom.

According to THQ Nordic's recent update, the first new game will be something that none of us could have seen coming. "The first new announcement," reads the post, "is a brand new original IP. This open world RPG is set in a unique universe and will be a post-apocalyptic kung-fu fable." Are you kidding me?! Did you guys hear that?

If you're trying to think of which game this might be or what game it might be like, don't waste your time. This is a completely new IP, and it's unlike anything ever heard of. It almost reminds me of Absolver, but then I've never heard of an open world, post-apocalyptic, kung-fu fable RPG. I can't wait to see what this is -- it could be the martial arts game we've been wanting since we were kids!

Then there's the second new game reveal. This will be a "new installment of a well-known, mysterious and horrific IP." Thinking back, THQ Nordic did acquire Painkiller, which is an almost DOOM-like first-person shooter that came out over a decade ago. In Painkiller you'll work your way through various horror-scapes to slay hundreds of gruesome monsters. It could be that Painkiller is making a return.


Additionally, THQ Nordic stated a few games that would definitely show up:

"Journalists and players alike can look forward to playing a near-to-final version of ELEX, the open world RPG from Piranha Bytes. Coming to PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC on October 17th.

"Battle Chasers: Nightwar was nominated for the 'Best RPG of E3' award and is shaping up nicely for its multi-platform release on October 3rd. For the first time, you can get your hands on the game on the Nintendo Switch.

"The multiplayer beta of SpellForce 3 is now running and has already seen thousands of players contributing providing valuable feedback to the development process. At gamescom, the focus will be on SpellForce 3's deep single-player campaign.

"First-person underwater shooter Aquanox: Deep Descent will show its campaign for the first time to journalists and players alike.

"For The Guild 3 you cannot only expect to see an improved version and advanced gameplay, but we will also have a surprise announcement to make.

"The recently announced cooperation with Bugbear Entertainment for Wreckfest allows the game to make a pit stop at gamescom where it will show off a raft of new content for upcoming updates."

We told you they were showing up in a huge way! Gamescom is going to be massive, and we have so many big reveals to look forward to. Stay tuned to WWG and don't miss a second of it!