Trials of Mana: Class Guide

Square Enix's Trials of Mana has finally released on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Steam. In [...]

Square Enix's Trials of Mana has finally released on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Steam. In the game, players must choose a party of three characters at the start of the game, from six possible choices. These three characters can have a major impact on the overall game, so players should select wisely. To do so, it helps to know exactly what each character can do. Trials of Mana features a system where players can choose between Light and Dark classes, once their player reaches level 18, and can change classes again at level 38. Which class players select will have an impact on how the character develops going forward.

Each of Trials of Mana's characters starts out with one class. As their classes change, it has an impact on their abilities, and their physical appearance, as well. Finding which abilities complement one another is a key part of the game.


  • Starting Class: Magician
  • 2nd Tier Class (Light): Sorceress - Sorceresses have high endurance. They can also use different elemental spells to attack an opponent's weaknesses.
  • 2nd Tier Class (Dark): Mysticist - Mysticists have high intellect stats, which allows them to do a lot of damage.
  • 3rd Tier Class (Light): Archmage - Archmages can use powerful elemental attacks, and have higher Spirit than Grand Diviners.
  • 3rd Tier Class (Light): Grand Diviner - Grand Diviners are similar to Archmages, but with stronger Strength and Intellect, but reduced Spirit.
  • 3rd Tier Class (Dark): Magus - This class boasts the highest Intelligence stats out of Angela's various class types. Can cause massive damage, but the spells can only target a single opponent.
  • 3rd Tier Class (Dark): Rune Seer - Rune Seers have abilities that can freeze, petrify, or change their enemies in battle, and some of the most powerful single enemy attacks in the game.


  • Starting Class: Cleric
  • 2nd Tier Class (Light): Priestess - With high Spirit stats, Priestesses are strong healers. Additionally, this class can use earth, fire, water, and wind saber magic.
  • 2nd Tier Class (Dark): Enchantress - The Enchantress class boasts strong healing and attack magic.
  • 3rd Tier Class (Light): High Cleric - This class learns lots of different spells to heal and support the rest of the party.
  • 3rd Tier Class (Light): Sage - Sages can heal status effects and can also use saber magic.
  • 3rd Tier Class (Dark): Necromancer - This class can summon the undead to attack opponents.
  • 3rd Tier Class (Dark): Warlock - Warlocks can use weakening magic.


  • Starting Class: Warrior
  • 2nd Tier Class (Light): Knight - Knights boast strong attack and defense. As such, they can use weapons, as well as shields and healing magic to benefit the rest of the party.
  • 2nd Tier Class (Dark): Gladiator - Gladiators have high attack, but they can't use shields. They can, however, use earth, fire, water, and wind saber magic to dole out heavy damage.
  • 3rd Tier Class (Light): Liege - This fighting class boasts good attack and defense. Like Knights, Lieges can use healing magic.
  • 3rd Tier Class (Light): Paladin - Paladins have high defense, and are good for support purposes. This class can learn saber magic, which allows them to imbue other members of the party's attacks with the light element.
  • 3rd Tier Class (Dark): Duelist - Duelists have high attack stats, and can learn dark saber magic.
  • 3rd Tier Class (Dark): Edelfrie - Edelfrei have high attack stats and can learn earth, water, fire, and wind saber magic.


  • Starting Class: Thief
  • 2nd Tier Class (Light): Ranger - The magic that Rangers can use inflicts status effects. Rangers can also learn trap attacks.
  • 2nd Tier Class (Dark): Ninja - The Ninja class can use ninja moves.
  • 3rd Tier Class (Light): Nomad - This class learns support magic.
  • 3rd Tier Class (Light): Rogue - The Rogue class can learn trap attacks, and are good at fighting enemies from different ranges.
  • 3rd Tier Class (Dark): Ninja Master - This class can learn advanced ninja moves.
  • 3rd Tier Class (Dark): Nightblade - Nightblades can learn abilities that immobilize opponents.


  • Starting Class: Grappler
  • 2nd Tier Class (Light): Monk - Monks are balanced thanks to their strong fighting abilities and healing magic.
  • 2nd Tier Class (Dark): Brawler - Heavy attack focus. They deal out heavy damage and are also proficient with multiple weapons.
  • 3rd Tier Class (Light): Divine Fist - This class can deal out heavy damage in quick succession. They can also learn healing spells.
  • 3rd Tier Class (Light): Warrior Monk - This class can absorb MP from opponents. Warrior Monks can also use wood saber magic.
  • 3rd Tier Class (Dark) Fatal Fist- Fatal Fists are powerful warriors with heavy attack stats.
  • 3rd Tier Class (Dark) Enlightened- The Enlightened class can steal HP from enemies. They also have high attack stats and can use moon saber magic.


  • Starting Class: Amazon
  • 2nd Tier Class (Light): Valkyrie - This class can boost the stats of other members of the party. This can help to make up for potential weak points.
  • 2nd Tier Class (Dark): Rune Maiden - This class can weaken opponents using debuffs, making it easier to win battles.
  • 3rd Tier Class (Light): Vanadis - This class has greater attack stats. Can learn the Freya summoning spell.
  • 3rd Tier Class (Light): Starlancer - This class can strengthen the other members of the party through stat-boosting magic.
  • 3rd Tier Class (Dark): Dragon Master - This class can decrease an opponent's stats. Dragon Masters can summon Jormungandr.
  • 3rd Tier Class (Dark): Fenrir Knight - Fenrir Knights can decrease the stats of multiple enemies at a time.

In addition to the various classes, abilities also have a major impact on the game. To learn more about how to unlock the game's various abilities, check out's guide.

Are you currently playing Trials of Mana? What team are you using in the game? Let us know in the comments or share your thoughts directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp to talk all things gaming!