
Wolfenstein II’s Latest Ad Features A Batman-esque Superhero, Blitzmensch

There’s no question that Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus’ ad campaign has been nothing short […]

There’s no question that Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus’ ad campaign has been nothing short of surreal, with everything from a Nazi-themed game show (German Or Else) to a take on a sitcom featuring an older brother chewing our his younger sibling for eating chocolate. But Bethesda‘s latest commercial really takes the cake, as it takes a 1960’s Batman style tone with a bizarre new hero by the name of Blitzmensch.

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In the ad, which can be seen above, the show features the Nazi superhero as he takes on a number of American enemies, including Money Grubber, Porletariat-Man, an Uncle Sam-type villain in a tank, Mr. Yankee Monkey, and, according to a forthcoming episode, the Illegal Eagle.

“It’s official – Blitzmensch is a blast! General Engel’s favorite TV show is getting bigger and better each year! Päng!Blitzmensch and his partner Fräulein Fox save the world from capitalism, communism, and degenerates every day in this amazing show celebrating die Überlegenheit – the superiority – of the Reich and the Aryan race,” Bethesda noted in a press release.

It’s definitely got the 1960’s Batman theme nailed down, though it’s a bit on the surreal side, as Blitzmensch shakes a vehicle loose and allows three people to fall out of it to their death.

Like previous ads released for the game, the first half is made up with the advertisement for the show, and then followed up with some awesome gameplay from The New Colossus, featuring B.J. Blazkowicz kicking Nazi ass and taking names.

It’s a weird advertising campaign, but one that really nails down the idea of Nazi occupancy in the United States, and what Blazkowicz is prepared to do about it. And outside of the main game, Wolfenstein II will continue the story with a season pass, which will introduce three standalone stories, along with a number of new playable characters. Maybe we’ll even get to kick Blitzmensch’s butt, yeah?

Check out the video above and see if he’s got what it takes to save the world – or his buddies, at least.

Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus releases on October 27th for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC.