Today's Wordle Challenges Players

It's time for a new Wordle challenge. While today's puzzle is slightly tougher than normal, most players aren't having too many issues with today's puzzle. We'll dig into today's Wordle puzzle later in the article, for those looking for some hints or clues. However, if you haven't done the puzzle yet, you may not want to scroll to the bottom of the article as we'll eventually discuss the answer.

For those who somehow have missed out on the Wordle craze so far, the rules of the game are simple: players have six tries to guess a five letter word. Players receive clues based on which letters their guess shares with the correct word. A letter shaded in yellow means that letter also appears in the correct word, but in a different letter location. A letter shaded in green means that letter appears in the same spot in the correct word.

On average, it takes Wordle players about 4 tries to correctly guess a daily puzzle, although a few puzzles can be significantly trickier. The past few months has featured a number of tough puzzles, with FOUND breaking streaks due to sharing a 4-letter word ending with several other wordsand NYMPH eluding players due to its lack of a traditional vowel.

So, what about today's Wordle? Today's puzzle features a word with a common word ending, with three potential answers sharing the same last four letters. Luckily, one of those words is technically not a valid Wordle solution (The New York Times eliminates certain words from the pool of potential issues), which should make today's puzzle a bit easier. Remember that players on normal mode can eliminate multiple guesses at once by using a guess with a word that can eliminate multiple possibilities. For example, if you need to choose between POUND, ROUND, and SOUND, it might be easier to burn a guess with a word like PURRS to determine which one of those answers is correct. 

Still stumped on today's Wordle puzzle? The answer to Wordle 367 is...GLOAT. Be sure to check out WordleBot if you want some tips on how to improve your Wordle game. WordleBot notes that it takes an average of 4.1 tries to solve today's puzzle.

Let us know if you got today's Wordle puzzle in the comment section, and if you managed to match our score of getting it in three tries!
