As we reported earlier this week, a batch of original Xbox games became backward compatible with both the Xbox One and Xbox One X, allowing players to enjoy these timeless classics in a whole new light. But some people have been wondering just how good these games look on Microsoft’s latest hardware.
Videos by ComicBook.com
Wonder no more, as we’ve scoured the internet to track down some of the best-looking videos featuring these games in action. While we didn’t post videos of all the games, we did find some of the highlights, including popular titles like Conker: Live & Reloaded; Panzer Dragoon Orta; SSX 3 and BioWare’s amazing Jade Empire.
Keep in mind that if you can’t track down physical copies of these games, you can buy the digital versions through Xbox Live Marketplace for $9.99 apiece. That’s actually rather handy, since Conker and Orta sell for around $40-$60 apiece.
These games are available on Xbox One now, with more to come next week — including various Star Wars games! (You can see which ones at the link above.)
First off, we remember how stylish SSX 3 looked on the original Xbox, right? With vivid course design, lots of trick opportunities and a stylish soundtrack — along with fun gameplay — there was nothing quite like it.
As you can see in the video above, it’s maintained a lot of this style, but it looks a whole lot sharper. While some textures still stand out a bit, and there are some weird framing issues between transition from gameplay to other scenes, it looks pretty amazing. And the game consistently keeps at a proper pace, so you don’t have to worry about losing any momentum when it comes to executing your tricks. We can’t wait to play more of it.
Jade Empire
Next up is BioWare’s Jade Empire, and it doesn’t look like it missed a beat in its transition. Sure, its framing is a bit limited when it comes to covering the entire screen, but there’s no question that it hasn’t lost an ounce of its beauty otherwise. The game simply shines in action, especially as you master your techniques against a fellow student. And as you explore the village, you can see just how awesome the details pop out. The character faces look a bit scrunched at times, but everything else about the game flows like chi. If you dig BioWare adventures, this is one you shouldn’t miss. And for $10, too.
Conker: Live & Reloaded
The footage we found for Conker: Live & Reloaded mostly covers multiplayer, as you take to the battlefield against a number of stuffed enemies, while trying to stay in one piece. Though the clip doesn’t feature the best audio, it gives you an idea of just how fully enhanced the game appears. The textures have never looked better, and even the lighting has managed to improve in some places. What’s more, the frame rate looks to be buttery smooth, even when the action gets a bit too frenzied for its own good. And if you think this portion is fun, imagine how superb the single player mode looks. (On second thought, check out the other video below. Wow!)
Panzer Dragoon Orta
Last but certainly not least, we have Panzer Dragoon Orta. Now, anyone that owned an original Xbox will already tell you that this was a great-looking game, with lush environments and superb shooting action. But imagine that bumped up to 2160p on the Xbox One X. Yep, you guessed it — the game is a sight to behold. And it looks like it takes up the whole screen, so you don’t miss any aspect of the action. (This is helpful, considering all the enemies that you have to target with your bullets and lock-on capabilities.) If you pick any game to test out the finely enhanced features of original Xbox games, this should be the one. It’s fun as hell to play, too!