The prototype for the original Xbox was so massive that it was almost comedic. In fact, the prototype is so different from the final product, you wonder how one was birthed from the other. Not only was the early Xbox a behemoth, but it was shaped like an X, which made it stick out even more. The final Xbox, the one Microsoft shipped on November 15, 2001, was still pretty large, but it was a normal console shape.
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That said, Xbox fans over on Reddit have been reminiscing about the prototype, with most agreeing that the it should have actually been the final version Microsoft shipped.
Of course, the problem with the prototype is it doesn’t really fit the “home console” pitch the original Xbox made. That behemoth doesn’t fit on shelves well, probably emits the heat of 20 launch PS4s, and it would be a pain to move around. There’s nothing practical are good about its design, but it is fun to look at.
With the next-gen of consoles around the corner, it’s interesting to think about what Microsoft will do with the design of the Xbox Scarlett. It will probably play things safe with a traditional look that is similar to what it has done for the past three console generations, but you never know, maybe it will come out with something a bit more wonky. I’m sure there’s at least a few crazy prototypes for it kicking around.
Microsoft has yet to reveal its next-gen gaming system, but that will presumably change this June during E3, where Microsoft has promised to go bigger than ever.
Anyway, as always, feel free to leave a comment letting us know what you think or hit me up on Twitter @Tyler_Fischer_ and let me know over there. Would you have picked up the original Xbox if it looked this? What do you hope for from the design of the Xbox Scarlett?
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