New Release Runs at 454p on Xbox Series S Exposing Major Problem for the Console

This is not a good look for the Xbox Series S.

A new release -- one of the biggest games released in February -- sometimes runs at 454p on the Xbox Series S, highlighting a major problem of the console, which is that the longer this console generation goes on, the more its lack of power is being exposed. Last year, we got a prominent example of this when Baldur's Gate 3 came to Xbox, and the Xbox Series S version did not support split-screen co-op due to the technical limitations of the console. Now we have another example of the Xbox Series S especially struggling to run a poorly optimized game. 

As relayed by Digital Foundry, the recent Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons makes use of dynamic resolution, which allows the game to change resolution on the fly in order to main a steady frame rate. On PS5 and Xbox Series X, this results to the game running between a range of 1260p and 1620p. This is obviously not great for consoles that can comfortably run 2160p. In other words, it suggests the remake is not optimized that well. This isn't a terrible range though for those on PS5 and Xbox Series X. On Xbox Series S the range is terrible though. The range on Xbox Series S, more specifically, is 454p to 720p.

Typically, it is achieving the latter or at least close to it, but dipping to 454p is unacceptable. And this is while running the game in 'Quality Mode." While running the game in Performance Mode you have the same range, but a few more dips and the frame rate is not as steady as it is on Xbox Series X and PS5. 

Not only is the Xbox Series S's limitations a growing problem for those who own and use the console, but there are a growing number of discussions within the industry of how it hinders game development. Of course, when designing and making a game you have to take into account the lowest denominator, which in the console space -- unless you are shipping on Switch -- is the Xbox Series S. This is a bigger problem for Xbox exclusives, specifically, as they theortically won't be able to push the same boundaries as the PS5, which is not hindered by an inferior sister console. 

It remains to be seen how often and hard severe the limitations of the Xbox Series S will manifest. What is clear is that it is not a great place to play Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons, especially compared to PS5 and Xbox Series x. 
