Xbox Series X May Copy Classic PlayStation Feature

Xbox Series X fans have been asking Microsoft to do this for years.

Microsoft is supposedly interesting in potentially copying a classic PlayStation feature, and it sounds like the fruit of this work could start to show with the Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S, assuming the report is true in the first place. To set the stage for the report, we first must travel back to the Xbox 360 and PS3 era. With the Xbox 360, Xbox introduced Achievements. PlayStation then copied Achievements with Trophies. Not only did it copy the feature, but it made it better by introducing the Platinum Trophy, a trophy you get when you get every other trophy in the game. Xbox Achievements don't have this. There's the 1,000 points, but that's not the same thing. Two generations later, it sounds like Xbox may finally respond with its own version of the Platinum Trophy. 

While hunting for Achievements and Trophies is nowhere near as popular as it used to be, there are plenty of Xbox and PlayStation gamers who still engage with the system. To this end, apparently think it's worthwhile overhauling this system. The report comes the way of well known Xbox insider Jez Corden, who revealed he recently spoke with an Xbox executive at Gamescom last month. 

Speaking on the Xbox Two podcast, Corden claims he was told by this Xbox executive that Microsoft has a long-standing interest in revamping the achievements system, which includes introducing some type of equivalent to the Platinum trophy. If there is a long-standing interest, why hasn't it happened? Well, because it's never been near the top of the list of priorities for Xbox. It's unclear how much that has changed, but apparently there is at least still interest in executing this revamp. 

Unfortunately, this is the extent of the report. Right now, there's nothing to it that says 'this is happening.' Rather, it's more about 'this could still happen' and that Corden 'thinks it will happen.' That said, we've heard similar rumblings to this for years and so far nothing has come of it. Either all of these reports have been rubbish or there's something to them and Xbox simply hasn't gathered together the extra resources to make it happen yet. It's probably the latter, but that's just speculation.