Amazon’s big buy 2, get 1 free sale on physical manga titles continues, and it has been massively upgraded with hundreds of additional books – 685 at the time of writing. You can load up on My Hero Academia, Beastars, Dragon Ball, Naruto and a whole lot more.
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You can shop the entire sale right here while it lasts. If you want to maximize the deal, use the toolbar at the top of Amazon’s page to sort the sale by price and go after some of the more expensivee titles. You’ll find The Assassination Classroom Complete Box Set at the top of the list for $170.99, though nothing else comes close. Keep in mind that titles can be removed from eligibility (and new ones added) at any time.

Speaking of Dragon Ball deals, Chess battles just got a lot more intense now that you can play with characters from the Dragon Ball Z anime. The set features a themed board and 18 awesome-looking, full-color busts with the following heroes and villains representing traditional chess pieces:
Heroes: Goku as King, Vegeta as Queen, Gohan & Piccolo as Bishops, Gotenks & Future Trunks as Knights, Android 18 & Krillin as Rooks and Super Ghost Kamikaze as Pawns.
Villains: Buu as King, Cell as Queen, Frieza & Android 19 as Bishops, Raditz & Nappa as Knights, Bojack & Broly as Rooks and Saibaiman as Pawns.
The Dragon Ball Z Collector’s Chess Set is a GameStop exclusive that’s available to order here for $47.99 after an instant savings of 20% that’s triggered by a promotion they are currently running on collectibles (get 20% off $50+ Collectibles purchase, get 30% off $100+). In addition to the discount, shipping is free.
Note: If you purchase one of the awesome, independently chosen products featured here, we may earn a small commission from the retailer. Thank you for your support.