The beloved American Horror Story series has officially been given the spinoff treatment. Ryan Murphy‘s new spinoff series, American Horror Stories, moves from the story-per-season method of the flagship program to an episodic anthology format. Each episode of American Horror Stories will deal with a different scenario and set of characters. There is quite a lot for fans to get excited about and we finally have our first look at the chilling new adventure.
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On Thursday morning, one week before the show’s premiere, FX and Hulu revealed the official trailer for American Horror Stories. You can check it out in the video at the top of the page!
Each episode of this new series will feature a different story, though some will be returning to classic locations from American Horror Story.
Just a day before the release of the trailer, AHS revealed a short video to announce the cast of American Horror Stories. Amy Grabow will be playing Tipper Gore (wife of Al Gore), while the one and only Danny Trejo is taking on the role of Santa for an episode.
And this isn’t even the half of it. Take a peek at some of the American Horror Stories cast. The brand new anthology series begins streaming July 15 only on #FXonHulu. #AHStories
โ AmericanHorrorStory (@AHSFX) July 7, 2021
The cast also includes former American Horror Story stars Matt Bomer, John Carroll Lynch, Naomi Grossman, Charles Melton, and Billie Lourd, as well as newcomers Gavin Creel, Sierra McCormick, Ashley Martin Carter, Paris Jackson, Belissa Escobedo, Kaia Gerber, Aaron Tveit, Rhenzy Feliz, Madison Bailey, Kyle Red Silverstein, Dyllon Burnside, Nico Greetham, Kevin McHale, and Virginia Gardner.
The first two episodes of American Horror Stories will be released on July 15th, exclusively on FX on Hulu. Episodes will be released on a weekly basis following the premiere. Murphy executive produces the series with Brad Falchuk, Alexis Martin Woodall, John J. Gray, and Manny Coto.
What do you think of the first trailer for American Horror Stories? Are you looking forward to the new horror anthology series? Let us know in the comments!