Goosebumps Makes a Massive Story Pivot Heading Into the Final Two Episodes

The newest episode of Goosebumps takes the story in a completely different direction heading into the end of Season 1.

Disney+ and Hulu's new Goosebumps TV series just made a huge left turn heading into the first season's final two episodes. For the entirety of the season to this point, Goosebumps has been building toward a confrontation between its five teenaged protagonists and Harold Bittle, the vengeful ghost of a 16-year-old that was killed by the parents of the teens and is currently possessing their English teacher. On Friday morning, the eighth episode of the series was released and surprisingly brings an end to a major part of that saga, revealing that a whole new antagonist might be taking over as the season comes to a close.

WARNING: This article contains MAJOR SPOILERS for the latest episode of Goosebumps! Continue reading at your own risk...

The end of Goosebumps' eighth episode, "You Can't Scare Me," actually feels like a season finale in a lot of ways. The conflict with Harold Bittle is completely resolved. The parents apologize to him, he throws Slappy off the side of a mountain, leaves the body of Mr. Bratt and goes to join the ghosts of his parents in the afterlife. It's an all around happy ending — until you remember that there are two more episodes in the season.

There's a final scene in the new Goosebumps episode that confirms Slappy has been the show's true antagonist all along, and that he will be the focal point of the story in the season's last two episodes. The camera shows Slappy's face on the ground at the bottom of a mountain, suddenly lit up by a flashlight. He's been discovered, but it's not revealed who is at the other end of the light, only that Slappy knows them because he says, "Took you long enough."

Suddenly, with only two episodes remaining in the season, Goosebumps is heading into uncharted territory. Harold is gone, Mr. Bratt is back to normal, and Slappy is now taking on a prominent role. It's going to make for a very eventful couple of weeks.

Goosebumps Season 2

Goosebumps hasn't received an official order for a second season just yet, but the producers of the series are hopeful that there will be a future for the series. 

"We lucked out so significantly with the cast that we were able to assemble for this show. These five relatively unknown young adult actors just immediately found a chemistry and were able to play into their very natural and organic dynamics they had within the group," producer Conor Welch recently told "Our hope is to follow this group of kids and adults for many, many more seasons and many, many more episodes to come. Because we do have every one of the books of the canon at our disposal, and there's just a lot more to dig into."

What have you thought about Goosebumps so far? Let us know in the comments!