The Insidious franchise is growing. Weeks ahead of the release of Insidious: The Red Door, Sony is expanding the franchise with its first spinoff, a time-traveling horror titled Thread: An Insidious Tale. Not only is the spinoff already in serious development, but it also has some Hollywood heavyweights attached. Tuesday, it was revealed Mandy Moore and Kumail Nanjiani have boarded the project, which will be directed by Moon Knight scribe Jeremy Slater. Slater also wrote the script for the feature.
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According to the initial report from Deadline, Moore and Nanjiani are said to be playing a married couple that use a spell to travel back in time in an attempt to prevent the death of their young daughter. Unfortunately for the characters, the time-traveling doesn’t go as planned.
Thread: An Insidious Tale will be the ixth entry in the Sony-owned franchise, and the first project set outside the main storyline introduced in the franchise’s 2011 debut from James Wan. Through the first four films, the Insidious franchise has grossed $555 million worldwide, making it one of the most popular horror franchises actively availalble.
The next entry in the Insidious world comes out in July, featuring Patrick Wilson’s directorial debut.
“Well, we all love Patrick. I’ve done one or two films with that guy,” Insidious producer James Wan said about his longtime collaborator last year. “But I’m super excited for what Patrick’s doing with Insidious. One of the things I love best about working with Patrick Wilson is that we don’t actually talk about the movie that we are making on set. We geek out about all the movies that we loved growing up, because Patrick and I are roughly of the same generation. We’re just constantly geeking out about John Carpenter’s Big Trouble in Little China and all these movies. Patrick reminds me a little bit of Leigh Whannell in that they are not just actors slash whatever; they are filmmakers as well. They’re film buffs, and being film buffs, they look at acting from the point of view of what the final film will be like. And so that actually helps inform them as filmmakers. So I’m always very excited when people like Leigh Whannell and Patrick Wilson want to jump behind the camera.”
Insidious: The Red Door opens only in theaters July 7th from Sony Pictures Releasing while Thread: An Insidious Tale has yet to set a release window.