In the month since Wednesday debuted on Netflix, audiences can’t seem to get enough of the Addams Family spinoff, with star Jenna Ortega specifically earning a lot of praise from viewers. Helping solidify her entire embrace of the character’s persona, Ortega recently expressed during a Q&A in support of the series that there was a line of dialogue in the script for Wednesday that she felt was entirely out of place for the figure, with the scene ultimately undergoing some changes that honored the actor’s outlook on the role. All eight episodes of Wednesday are now streaming on Netflix.
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In Episode 4 of the series, Ortega recalled how she was meant to react much more like your average teenager when seeing a dress she was especially impressed with.
“I remember there’s a line where I’m talking about a dress and initially she was supposed to say, ‘Oh, my God, I’m freaking out over a dress, I literally hate myself,’” Ortega recalled during the event, per TikTok. “And I was blown away because that sounded like — it was just a bunch of little things like that. I felt like we were able to avoid a lot of dialogue in an attempt to make her sound human.”
One of the big challenges with Wednesday was finding the right balance of genuine explorations in adolescence that viewers can relate to, while also highlighting the creepy and kooky elements that make the titular character so compelling. This is only one instance in which Ortega pushed back against creatives, having previously recalled how she wasn’t supportive of a love-triangle story between Wednesday and Tyler (Hunter Doohan) and Xavier (Percy Hynes White).
“As far as the boys went, I had to accept it,” Ortega explained to Etalk. “Honestly, I’m going to fight this love triangle thing so hard because this is just me being protective. I don’t think Wednesday would ever be in a love triangle. I talked to the writers about this and they said, ‘Don’t worry, it’s not going to be that.’”
If the series is renewed for a second season, Ortega already believes that Wednesday’s romantic life won’t be a major component.
“I’ve always been against the love triangle idea. Now that Tyler’s off the table, I feel like she’s off boys for a while. I feel like her and Xavier are just getting to a safe place. I think there’s an opportunity there for a really sweet platonic relationship,” the actor detailed to MTV News. “Because I don’t think it’s shown often enough, men and women having safe platonic relationships that don’t become romantic and are just genuine, almost sibling-like relationships. I think that’d be wonderful to see.”
Stay tuned for details on the future of Wednesday.
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