Nicolas Cage Claims His First Memories Are From Inside the Womb

If you didn't think Nicolas Cage couldn't get any more legendary, you thought wrong. The acclaimed actor is now claiming that his first memory of life was being in his mother's womb. You read that right. 

Nic Cage was making an appearance on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert and played the show's "Colbert Questionert" game. One of the questions posed to Cage was about his earliest memory, and he gave a response that only Nic Cage could give:

"Let me think. Listen, I know this sounds really far out and I don't know if it's real or not, but sometimes I think I can go all the way back to in-utero and feel like I could see faces in the dark or something," Cage explained. "I know that sounds powerfully abstract, but that somehow seems like maybe it happened."

Cage clearly understood that this was something of an... unusual answer. So he tried to ground it by explaining that he now realizes that this memory he claims to have was probably not an actual visual memory, but rather some of his first abstract sensory observations: 

 "Now that I am no longer in utero, I would have to imagine it was perhaps vocal vibrations resonating through to me at that stage," Cage said. "That's going way back. I don't know. That comes to mind... I don't even know if I remember being in utero, but that thought has crossed my mind."

(Photo: Lionsgate)

It's not unheard of that people have had deep memory imprints of experiencing sounds and sensations inside the womb. It can be a nurturing experience – like parents talking to their child while still in the womb – or it can be an upsetting experience if traumatic sounds or events occur around the fetus. There's no concrete answer on how much a fetus can observe and process so who knows, maybe Nic Cage saw everything he thinks he did. 

Nic Cage can currently be seen in the Universal Monster movie re-imagining Renfield, where he plays a modern Count Dracula. There's also no shortage of fans hoping that Cage will continue appearing in big comic book movie franchise roles, having already played Marvel's Ghost Rider in the 2000s, voicing Spider-Man Noir in Sony's Oscar-winning Spider-Verse animated film, and nearly playing Superman in Tim Burton's failed reboot. 

Renfeild is now in theaters. Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse releases in theaters in June – but Cage will not be in it.