Ozzy Osbourne Spotted Out After False Deathbed Reports

In another case of don't believe everything you see on social media, it turns out that Rock legend [...]

In another case of don't believe everything you see on social media, it turns out that Rock legend Ozzy Osbourne is not dying, and recently showed up with wife Sharon Osbourne out and about on New Year's Day. The two were seen filling up their car at a gas station and briefly spoke to TMZ, with Sharon even teasing some new music from the Black Sabbath singer. This all started because of a report from the National Enquirer regarding Ozzy's health, as the report said he had taken a turn for the worst and would "be dead by Christmas". Another headline from Radar Online then said he was riding "on a crazy train to an early death."

Sharon addressed these reports on a recent episode of The Talk, and shot all of it down, saying they simply weren't true. She also called them out for a general lack of empathy (via iHeartRadio).

"How cold and callous are those headlines? Where's people's empathy?" Sharon asked. "It's not [true] by any stretch of the imagination. I've been open with everyone and so has Ozzy. He had a terrible, terrible bout of bad luck with his health, one thing after another. And then after his fall that he had, it's been awful for him. But he's getting better."

Osbourne's daughter Kelly Osbourne also shot down the reports about Ozzy's health, and her full statement can be found below (via MetalHeadZone).

"Today I had a wonderful start to 2020. I went out to launch with my family. Then I spent the rest of the day launching and hanging out with my dad.

I come home to read sickening articles about my dad supposedly being on his 'death bed' sometimes the media makes me sick!!

It's no secret that my dad has had a rough year when it comes to his health but come the F*CK on this is utter bullsh*t."

The good news is that Ozzy seems to be in good health, and we wish him an amazing 2020!