The Suicide Squad star Joel Kinnaman has filed a temporary restraining order against Swedish-Jamaican model Bella Davis. Kinnaman alleges that Davis has threatened physical harm to his family as well as attempted to “extort money” from the actor. Kinnaman shared news of his filing on social media on Friday, writing in a lengthy post detailing the situation and alleging that he and his family are enduring “escalating daily threats of physical harm”.
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According to Variety, Davis has accused Kinnaman of sexually assaulting her in 2018 while she was intoxicated. Kinnaman, who is Swedish, claims in his statement that he had a “brief romantic relationship” with Davis in late 2018 that included two consensual sexual encounters. In his post, Kinnaman claims that Davis has threatened to “go to the press with fabricated, vile rumors unless I agree to a list of demands that includes money, Hollywood connections”. Kinnaman’s post also outlines what he claims are his attempts to resolve th situation, including a phone call in which he claims Davis made threats against him.
“Earlier this morning, I filed for a restraining order against a woman who has been threatening to physically harm me and my family and loved ones and attempting to extort money and other things of value from me. While it is mortifying and scary to come forward about all of this, what feels worse is enduring the escalating daily threats of physical harm to me and my loved ones and threats to go to the press with fabricated, vile rumors unless I agree to a list of demands that includes money, Hollywood connections, helping to secure a work visa, a verified Instagram page, a Wikipedia page, a photoshoot with Sports Illustrated, an additional $400,000 USD for an apartment and more. And so, I want to share the facts with you, honestly and directly,” Kinnaman wrote. You can read his full post here.
Kinnaman closed post saying he stands by all victims of sexual assault and reiterating his allegations.
“I want to be VERY clear so there is no misunderstanding: I stand by all victims of sexual assault,” Kinnaman wrote. “This is not what occurred here. This was consensual sex. And now it is an attempt to extort.”
Davis refutes the allegations and has responded with social media posts of her own to address the allegations, sharing posts of Instagram messages between herself and Kinnaman in Swedish as well as some screenshots of text messages with someone Davis identifies as Kinnaman’s agent discussing lawyers. No additional information or statement from either Davis or Kinnaman was available at the time of this writing.
Kinnaman is currently starring in The Suicide Squad, which opened in theaters on Friday. In the film, Kinnaman reprises his role as Rick Flag from 2016’s Suicide Squad.
Photo: ROBYN BECK/AFP via Getty Images