Days after the Space Force unveiled its service members would be called Guardians, the military branch found itself on top of the news cycle once again after an alleged uniform concept design went viral. After the internet quickly latched onto the designs and joked that they were reminiscent of something one would find in the Starship Troopers or Man in the High Castle franchises, the Space Force has come out and debunked the viral images as fake designs.
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In an e-mail provided to, Space Force spokesperson Major Nick Mercurio confirmed the designs circulating are not official uniform concepts for the United States Space Force. “The uniform graphic being shared on social media is not an official U.S., Space Force uniform design concept,” Maj. Mercurio told the website. “The Space Force service dress uniform is still in development.”
Oh my. This is a concept of the new Space Force dress uniforms.
โ Travis Akers (@travisakers) December 29, 2020
According to Mercurio, the design floating around the internet isn’t one the Space Force is actively considering, though it’s unclear if the concept was something the outfit had previously order. Coincidentally enough, the uniform selection process also happens to be a major side plot within the events of Netflix’s Space Force, a series co-created by former The Office boss Greg Daniels and Steve Carell.
Earlier this month, the Space Force announced its members won’t be called soldiers or sailors, rather they’ll go by a Guardians moniker.
“Today, after a yearlong process that produced hundreds of submissions and research involving space professionals and members of the general public, we can finally share with you the name by which we will be known: Guardians,” the official Space Force Twitter revealed.
Today, after a yearlong process that produced hundreds of submissions and research involving space professionals and members of the general public, we can finally share with you the name by which we will be known: Guardians.
โ United States Space Force (@SpaceForceDoD) December 18, 2020
In subsequent tweets, it added, “The opportunity to name a force is a momentous responsibility. Guardians is a name with a long history in space operations, tracing back to the original command motto of Air Force Space Command in 1983, “Guardians of the High Frontier.”