Watch 'Venom' Play 'Fortnite' With Strangers

A Fortnite player went through an entire game terrifying his teammates with the voice of [...]

A Fortnite player went through an entire game terrifying his teammates with the voice of Venom.

YouTube user Diggums uploaded the video above in which he uses a voice changer of sorts to talk with his random teammates as Eddie Brock's alter ego as he sounded in the recent movie. The dialogue fits the character, quite well, in fact. "John Wick," the character says at point, "I bet he has a tastey pancreas." Watch the video above for the complete Venom and Fortnite experience.

Venom was not exactly a critical success when it released but its box office numbers proved this did not matter. The PG-13 rated Sony Pictures film has grossed more than $850 million at the worldwide box office.

"I'm proud of the movie we've put out, and I think that the additional material on the DVD adds a little bit of color to the film," Venom director Ruben Fleischer said to LRM Online. "I don't feel the need at this point to release an unrated version, I feel like fans seem to really like the movie that we put out."

While many fans are clamoring for an R-rated version of i, it doesn't sem like Sony has any plans coming down the pipe. That said, 20th Century Fox did re-release a PG-13 version of the originally R-rated Deadpool 2 in order to get a release in China. If a more violent and harsh language filled version of Venom was ever shot, Sony could benefit from simply changing the edit of the film a bit to bolster those box office hauls with what is essentially the same movie.

Venom is now available on Digital HD, Blu-ray, and DVD.