Avengers: Endgame Just Over $38 Million Away From Unseating Avatar

Hey, Avatar, on your left. Avengers: Endgame's fight to take down the James Cameron film as the [...]

Hey, Avatar, on your left. Avengers: Endgame's fight to take down the James Cameron film as the highest grossing film in box office history is closer than ever to being a reality. As of the latest box office receipts, Earth's Mightiest Heroes are under $40 million away from unseating to Avatar and that number is shrinking every day.

According to Box Office Mojo as of the time of this article's writing, Avengers: Endgame is sitting at $2.749 billion at the worldwide box office. It's a total that puts the film at just $38.4 million away from Avatar's $2.788 billion.

While the gap between Avatar and Endgame is narrowing -- indeed, it's narrowed just over $5 million in the three days since we updated that Endgame was just over $40 million away from the top spot -- some have come to question whether the Marvel Cinematic Universe film will be able make it all the way to the top. Early on, the film made major progress smashing numerous box office records, but momentum has slowed down significantly since. However, the film is getting a major boost as Marvel Studios is re-releasing Endgame in theaters next weekend with six minutes of new footage, something ComicBook learned exclusively in our conversation with Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige last week.

"We are doing that," Feige said of the re-release with new footage. "I don't know if it's been announced. And I don't know how much... Yeah, we're doing it next weekend."

As for what is going to be in those additional minutes of footage, don't expect an extended cut of the film. Instead, the bonus footage will be coming after the credits, something Feige revealed a bit amore when speaking with ScreenRant about it.

"Not an extended cut, but there will be a version going into theaters with a bit of a marketing push with a few new things at the end of the movie," Feige said. "If you stay and watch the movie, after the credits, there'll be a deleted scene, a little tribute, and a few surprises. Which will be next weekend."

While some fans have already started to speculate that "a few surprises" could mean the introduction of Fox characters -- one theory in particular suggests that the metal clanging representative of Tony Stark building his Mark I armor in Iron Man could give away to Victor Von Doom hammering a mask, opening the door for his entry into the MCU -- fans will just have to wait and see, and head back to the theaters, next weekend to find out for sure.

So what do you think? Will Avengers: Endgame finally topple Avatar? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

The extended version of Avengers: Endgame is expected to hit theaters next week. Keep checking back for more details about the updated release. Other upcoming Marvel Cinematic Universe films include Spider-Man: Far From Home opening in theaters July 2.