
‘Avengers: Infinity War’ Trailer – The Internet Is Concerned For Doctor Strange

Dark days are ahead for Marvel’s greatest heroes, and fans are especially concerned for Doctor […]

Dark days are ahead for Marvel’s greatest heroes, and fans are especially concerned for Doctor Strange.

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In the newest Avengers: Infinity War trailer, the sorcerer supreme is shown in good times (next to Peter Parker) and in bad times, which come as a result of Ebony Maw. Unfortunately, those bad times look quite painful, as Strange is seen restrained somehow while Ebony Maw stabs his face with multiple magical needles.

Suffice it to say, it does not look fun, and with the stakes quite high for Infinity War as a whole, fans are a little worried. There will most assuredly be a hero or two that doesn’t make it through this movie, and many are hopeful that Strange doesn’t share that fate.

Even if it doesn’t mean death for the hero, it probably means bad news for the other heroes of the MCU. In a past storyline from the comics, Doctor Strange went toe to toe with Ebony Maw, and unfortunately, he lost, resulting in Maw finding the location of the other Infinity Stones from Strange’s mind.

It looks like that torture scene could imply the same fate in the film, especially now that we know Strange does actually have knowledge of their whereabouts, but there’s no telling if Maw will be able to pull it off here.

Regardless, fans don’t want to see their favorite Marvel magic user tortured or in pain, and the internet is having a hard time dealing with it. The good news is that they’ve shared some delightful reactions to Strange’s predicament, and you can check out some of the highlights in the following slides.

We’ll all learn Strange’s fate when Avengers: Infinity War lands in theaters on April 27.


Looks like Dormmamuย might have been a bit of a fortune teller as well…and fans aren’t dealing with it very well.

“I’M NOT CRYING, YOU ARE #DoctorStrange”


The person who seems to be causing Doctor Strange so much pain is Ebony Maw, and it’s a feud that stretches back to the comics.

“#DoctorStrange vs Ebony Maw. The world ain’t ready for this. #DoYouEvenComicBook #DYECB”


Some footage of Doctor Strange leaked out from the set previously, and after seeing the new trailer that scene seems to make a lot more sense, though some still didn’t want to know.

“So now we know what happened here. I’m not sure that I wanted to know though.#InfinityWarTrailer#DoctorStrange”


Thanos is here to make the Marvel Universe suffer, and that is absurdly evident if you watch the new Infinity War trailer.

“Ok get ready to suffer ?



No one likes to see their favorite hero in pain, especially when it looks so…well, painful. Magical needles to the face will garner some sympathy.

“Stop hurting Stephen


Speaking of needles, Doctor Strange seems to have a very love hateย relationship with them, at least going by his solo film.

“Well that’s one way to torture #DoctorStrange we know he hates needles… #AvengersInfinityWar”


Doctor Strange is in significant pain thanks to Ebony Maw, but one fan noticed something missing from his attire, and it could be how he gets out of this predicament.


“The question is: where is the Cloak?? ? #InfinityWar #DoctorStrange”


Sometimes an image perfectly sums up one’s feelings, and that is certainly the case here.

“Me @ the #doctorstrange v ebony maw scene”


Sometimes you can’t help but wish for a happy ending, and if you are for your favorite Marvel heroes you aren’t alone.

“Everyone’s gonna be fine. And happy. #Denial

#AvengersInfinityWar #Ironman #CaptainAmerica #Thor #DoctorStrange #Spiderman”