Captain America: Civil War Directors Explain Approach to Post Credits Scenes

Spoilers for Captain America: Civil War follow.To cap off one of Marvel's most epic films to date, [...]


Spoilers for Captain America: Civil War follow.

To cap off one of Marvel's most epic films to date, the directors kept the tradition of post-credits scene alive (and possibly breathed all sorts of new, energetic life into it).

While Marvel Studios has plans for the next few years with their movie slate revealed, their ability to plan story lines and connections from movie to movie is unmatched. Sometimes, the credits scenes tie directly into the movie which played before it and sometimes they have little or no connection but will tease a future flick. In Civil War's case, it was a bit of both.

"That's the one thing that I've always really respected at Marvel," Anthony Russo tells of post credits scenes. "They don't get you hung up on the future. Every movie has to be what it wants to be and if you don't get that right there is no future. The cool thing about it is there's a lot of pressure on just, 'What do you want to do with the character? What do you need him for? How is he functioning in this story?' And then, 'How does that dictate all the choices you're gonna make about the character from after to costume to storyline to everything.' It all flows from specific needs. So, yes, while it is sort of linked in conceptually to future ideas about where it's gonna go, the emphasis is really much on this story with those choices."

Though Captain America: Civil War was a movie which sprawled across all of the Marvel heroes remaining on Earth, it still felt very self-contained. The post credits scenes were no exception. While both set up future movies with Black Panther and Spider-Man: Homecoming, they were relevant to the events of Civil War.

Captain America: Civil War is now playing in theaters.