Captain America: The Winter Soldier brought to life in the Marvel Cinematic Universe a version of the Steve Rogers, Super Soldier costume from when Cap was running the then massive Avengers organization in the universe of Marvel Comics. New concept art reveals that there was at least one other idea for how Cap should look in his second solo movie.
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Marvel Studios concept artist Ryan Meinerding shared his concept art for a Captain America costume for Captain America: The Winter Soldier to Instagram. The costume is much closer to what Captain America wore in Marvel’s The Avengers with the most noticeable difference being the SHIELD insignia on Cap’s shoulder. The costume never made it out of the concept stage of production.
Take a look below:
“This is an unused Cap design from Captain America: Winter Soldier!” Meinderding writes. “It was going to be an update to the Avengers costume but it never got passed the concept phase.”
Captain America was working as an agent of SHIELD when The Winter Soldier opened. Switching to the Super Soldier costume more clearly indicated the difference between his work with SHIELD and his work with the Avengers, with Cap falling in line with a massive organization rather than standing out with a small band of heroes.
Using such a different costume also made Cap’s return to his classic uniform in the film’s third act that much more dramatic.
If you’re interested in seeing another unused costume from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, check out this Thor: Ragnarok artwork that reveals a different version of the Hulk’s gladiatorial armor.
Captain America: The Winter Soldier ranked highest on’s complete ranking of every Marvel Cinematic Universe movie. You can find the full list here.
What do you think of this version of Captain America’s costume? Do you like it better or worse than the version of his costume that was used in the film? Let us know what you think in the comments section!
Captain America: The Winter Soldier is now available on home media.
Avengers: Infinity War is now playing in theaters. Other upcoming Marvel Cinematic Universe movies include Ant-Man and the Wasp on July 6th, Captain Marvel on March 8, 2019, the fourth Avengers movie on May 3, 2019, Spider-Man: Far From Home on July 5th, 2019, and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 in 2020.