Years after Iron Man and other Marvel Cinematic Universe films established the overall tone of the franchise, Netflix’s Marvel series explored new avenues of beloved characters, as series like Daredevil, Jessica Jones, and Luke Cage showed off a more mature corner of the universe, with the series’ violence, sex, and language falling more into the R-rated territory. This surely presents some challenges for any of these characters going forward, as the characters are now back in the wheelhouse of Disney, but if a future Daredevil project manages to sneak in one f-bomb to avoid an official R rating, star Charlie Cox thinks he knows what character would likely utter the profanity. caught up with Cox in support of his TV series Kin.
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When asked where a PG-13 project might find a reason to drop an f-bomb, Cox replied, “It’s probably not Matt that says it. It’s probably Elektra or someone, you know what I mean?” while adding, “It’s probably she’s beaten him up, she’s trying to kill him, she’s got him arrested, she’s done all sorts of things and he’s always forgiven her, but she swears and he’s like, ‘That’s it, it’s over.’ That he will not take.”
Up until the premiere of Daredevil in 2015, the tone of Disney’s MCU film were much more family-friendly, though by having the more mature series finding a home on Netflix, they were able to exist in the same franchise yet deliver themes and narratives that were geared towards older audiences. In the years since those series concluded, fans have wondered what the future would hold for not just the characters, but also the series, as Netflix was no longer producing content with them.
Just last month, fans discovered that these Marvel series were leaving Netflix, causing viewers to speculate about where the programs would be available. Disney recently confirmed that they will all be landing on Disney+ later this month, where they will be available alongside MCU fare like Iron Man, Thor, and Captain America: The First Avenger.
Fans are still speculating about what the future might hold for these characters, but with Charlie Cox reprising his role of Matt Murdock for Spider-Man: No Way Home, it confirmed that Disney is interested in continuing the legacy of some of these Netflix characters. For years, audiences have wondered what Deadpool’s future will be under ownership of Disney, due to his profanity-riddled outings, with the addition of Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist to their roster igniting more speculation about how the studio will handle their more mature-leaning characters.
Stay tuned for updates on Daredevil’s future with Disney.
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