Fans were excited about the inclusion of X-Force in Deadpool 2, and were trolled hard when they saw the majority of the team die moments after they were assembled.
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But fan-favorite actor Terry Crews is holding out hopes that his character Bedlam will show up again in Deadpool 3 or the X-Force movie, despite meeting a grisly end in the film.
“You know what? Actually if you look at the movie, I was on life support,” Crews said to Vital Thrills. “They were trying to revive me, so you didn’t see me get cut up or head cut off. There’s always something. I would love to come back for Deadpool 3.”
Crews was asked if it was always the plan to kill off Bedlam and the other members of X-Force right away, or if he had a more substantial role at one point.
“It was a troll from the beginning and it was horrible,” Crews said. “I felt so bad but it was for a good cause, you know what I mean? It really was the payoff that the movie needed.”
The inclusion of X-Force was just one of many major references to classic Marvel mutant lore. From the addition of Cable to the Juggernaut being one of the main villains, X-Men fans had a lot to love about the Deadpool 2.
Juggernaut was a major surprise, being kept under wraps until the film premiered in theaters. The character is CGI, but the facial motion capture and the voice were both supplied by Ryan Reynolds. Reynolds’ co-stars were shocked by this revelation, as they were not aware Reynolds was voicing the character until later on.
“I didn’t know who was going to be doing the voice of Juggernaut,” Colossus actor Stefan Kapicic told THR. “Ryan is always there when I’m working on Colossus, helping me with the lines and giving me ideas. Then I saw Ryan getting into the CGI costume, and I’m like ‘What’s going on, man? Did I miss something?’”
The additions of Juggernaut and X-Force certainly excited X-Men fans, but there were some other characters that did not make the final cut. One deleted scene includes Omega Red, the classic villain who rose to prominence in the ’90s.
Fans can see that and more in the home release of Deadpool 2: The Super Duper Cut, now available on Digital HD. The Blu-ray and DVD will be released on Aug. 21.