Disney CEO Says 'Deadpool' Could Continue and More R-Rated Marvel Films Possible

For Marvel fans worried that the Deadpool and X-Force films will be toned down or changed once [...]

For Marvel fans worried that the Deadpool and X-Force films will be toned down or changed once Disney's purchase of Fox is completed, that might not actually be the case.

On Tuesday, Disney held its quarterly earnings call with investors, where CEO Bob Iger takes questions about the company's business plans, the subject of R-rated films came up in regards to how Disney would handle existing Fox's current properties. Iger made it clear that the studio wasn't going to shy away from what worked, regardless of its rating.

The CEO noted that Disney would continue with Deadpool under a Fox umbrella. He noted that his studio would made sure to brand these properties differently so consumers wouldn't get anything confuse. Iger made sure to say that nothing in Fox's current portfolio concerned them, making it seem as though everything Fox has been doing to this point is fair game.

Based on these comments, it looks like Deadpool, X-Force, and the other R-rated characters that have been released by Fox could still continue once the merger is complete. While Disney hasn't been in the business of R-rated movies, that will likely change with the purchase of Fox. With FX, Fox Searchlight, and the Deadpool franchise, there are plenty of adult brands that will soon fall under Disney's umbrella. It sounds as though Disney will be leaving those alone and letting the successful brands continue.

This means that the future is a lot brighter for Deadpool 3 than most people initially thought. Last month, Deadpool creator Rob Liefeld took to Twitter to assure fans that the third movie in the series would still happen, regardless of what sort of deal took place.

"Nothing like deadlines to clear your head," Liefeld wrote. "Let me be clear Deadpool 3 will happen, some form, some fashion. That's not a concern to me. Disney paid $60 billion for Fox and Deadpool is most valuable asset in today's market. Makes more than X-Men films."

Are you glad to learn that Disney won't abandon the Deadpool model? What other R-Rated Marvel properties would you like to see? Let us know in the comments!